I would give myself many advices. First of all, I would take liberal arts courses as a freshman in college if I wasn’t sure what major I wanted to be. I wasted so much time in college taking courses and then ended up wasting my time because I switch to many majors. I would try to be in as many clubs and activities that I could be, especially the ones that pertains to my major. I would get helped immediately with my school work and not wait to the last minute.
I was nervous about attending a community college. I thought that the academics would not messure up to those at the four year universities in my area. I have found that my classes are just as hard, if not harder, than those offered at the four year universities. The teachers are excellent, and grades are earned, not given. I feel as if my community college has prepared me for the PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test) just as well, if not better, than any other college I could have attended. The best part about my community college is that I have never had a class with more than 40 students in it at a time. The one-on-one student/teacher interaction is more than I could have asked for. The facilities that my college has may not be the same size as the universities in my area, but the learning that takes place inside of our facilities is much greater.
my experience of collage has made me a better person. i have become organized, professional and determained that i will see the light at the end of the tunnel. college helps you meet all kinds of people, make friends for life and some of the people you meet can help you with your jouney and future goals. everthough college helps you to get a better education and to find that wonderful job so you can live a comfortable life. my life as a college student has been the best years of my life that words cant describe. there has been some set backs with tuition and scrapping up the money just to pay for tuition, but it has taught me to be strong and how to budget my money. college may have gave me life experience, but it has given me the information i need to know in the work place, so that i can become an effective healthcare manager i need to be in the future so that i can make a difference in this world.
My experience at D'Youville has helped me to grow in independence, confidence and self-esteem. I transferred to D'Youville last year after attending University at Buffalo. From the day I attended the orientation, I have felt that the teachers, faculty and other students truly care about me and the person I am. This has allowed me to excel in my classes and learn more than I ever felt possible in my chosen field of Occupational Therapy. My teachers encourage participation and are always there to help give support and guidance when necessary. They challenge my abilities and never make me feel that my questions are stupid. My field work experiences have been rewarding and I know it requires a lot of time and effort on their to make this a reality. The friends I have made at D'Youville will be friends for life. We challenge and support each other in class and out of class. I am confident that when I graduate from D'Youville, I will be very well prepared for my career. I am proud to say I attend D'Youville College.
College has not only expanded my education, but it has also taught me the importance and meaning of true friendship. In the beginning of my first semester at D'Youville, friend from high school was killed in a car accident. On the day of her viewing, I received a call while sitting at the Porterview Dining Room, stating that my mother was just in an accident and was on her way to the hospital via ambulance. I have never felt so much support from a group of people than that of the D'Youville community. Not only have friends from Marguerite Residence Hall given me the strength to push forward, but so has the staff. It is the job of the employees to know the names of the students, but they go above and beyond the expectations. The annual service trip to New Orleans, Louisiana this winter with friends has also taught me to be appreciative of what I have in my life, and to be thankful for the little things in life. Although I have mastered a 4.0 through the difficult times, I have more than education to value at D'Youville College.
My college experience is fantastic. My first class set the bar for all other classes to come and opened my eyes to the fact that I wasn’t in high school anymore. Being a not so average teenager, I decided to spend my summer learning by being an intern part time as well as taking Chemistry as summer class. Since I was at a new school, a few days before class started I went and located my classroom and all my required materials. On the first day I sat down and the teacher walked in. She took roll and said it would be the last time because she didn’t care if we showed up; that was on our shoulders. She passed out the syllabus, went over her normal routine and just jumped into notes. One student asked her a question and politely said her name like we would in high school. She replied call me by my first name we aren’t in high school. She never required us to do our homework, just recommended it and never once acted like a high school babysitter. It taught me to be accountable for myself. College is the Great Awakening.
My college experience has been extremely valuable to me because it has completely changed my future plans. All my life I never thought I would go to college; the idea never interested me. My parents never went and I saw no reason to do so myself. I decided to attend community college as a sort of test and so I could have at least some post-secondary education. My experience at my community college has been amazing and has inspired me to continue my education further at a four year university. I was able to explore different subjects that interested me and was encouraged to develop more ambitious goals for the future. I also got involved in my school and in my community through Phi Theta Kappa and various volunteer activities. My grades have also taken a complete turn around from high school as I now have almost straight A's and I am really excited for what my future holds. My college experience has been wonderful and has really changed my aspirations for the future; I now hope to not only complete my undergraduate education, but possibly post graduate education as well!
I have gotten so much out of my college experience so far. I love it! Even though I am only a freshman, college has been challenging and yet, so rewarding at the same time. It has taught me independence, dedication, perserverance and alot about the person I am becoming. I intend on becoming a nurse at the end of these four years. This has always been a dream of mine. I have seen my uncle on life support pass away. I was there at both my grandparents bedsides as they passed on. I witnessed good nurses and I experienced less than impressive healthcare given to my family. I knew I wanted to go into nursing to make a difference and treat others as I wish my family were treated when they were ill. Some things you learn by living other things you learn by going to college. This college experience is so valuable to me because without the education I am recieving today and will be receiving over the next three years, I couldnt be the best nurse I could be. In closing, a college education is an experience I will always treasure.
College is definitely a place for hard work. It is expensive and always stressful. But it is also something much more than that. College is one of the only environments in the world where every single day there is an opportunity to improve oneself. Even though I enter pathophysiology every single class frightened, I also appreciate the challenege and opportunity to gain knowledge which I can use everyday to help a patient and perhaps save a life. College is the stepping stone to the future a person dreams of. It provides the student with all of the necessary tools to succeed in their chosen career. As a nursing major, I had the opportunity to go to a two year school and graduate with an associates degree. However I value higher education and I am trying to obtain my baccleurate. I go to school everyday and work my hardest. Last semester I recieved a 3.9 GPA. I know doing this is, I will be prepared when I finally graduate and will feel knowledgable and confident when treating my patients. I value college so much because through the knowledge I am gaining there, I have the opportunity to help humanity.
in my time in college i have learn much about the world. D'youville college is about helping the needy. It has been so valuble to attend because of all i have learned both from a personal and educational stand point. while at college i was exposed to the less fortunate and relized just how much I have. I also experenced the joy of helping them with friends it changed me as a person. I have also learned tons about my major. At D'youville I was encouged to help learn more about the subject then ever before. My professors helped me understand history at a new level that i never thought possible. overall, college has changed me for the better.