D’Youville College Top Questions

What should every freshman at D’Youville College know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to either jump into college with both feet or not at all. I wish I would have focused more on school when I first attended college out of high school. I see young kids attending college now just barely passing and worried about the party tonight more. If you put yourself to it and work hard studying, your life will be easier than having to go back when you are older. When you attend college as a middle aged adult it is much harder for you to pass your classes due to brain functions (memory) and your life being filled with more distractions such as kids, job, household duties. My advise is to study hard, excel in all your classes, and succeed in granduating college while you are young and you will have the rest of your life to have fun and an education to go along with it.


Stay focused. College life is different in numerous ways from high school, and it is very easy to become distracted. For most, it is the first time to be on your own and away from the control of your parents. A newly found freedom gives a sense of irresponsibility. However, having this attitude can and most likely will distract you and bring down your overall grades. It is easier to bring down your GPA than it is to bring it up. So during that first semester do not become distracted by frivilous events and stay focused on the whole reason you attend college in the first place, which is to gain an education and become an overall better person.


If I could go back in time to my high school days I will advice my self to stay focus on my school work, quit roaming the hallways and meet assignment deadlines. I currently attend a 2 year college, so far college studies have been going smoothly, I know it is going to get intense soon. When I applied for college, most of my choices were to 4 year institutes. I was denied a seat in each institute but Bronx Community College. Dissapointment was not the word, no one was the blame but myself . In high school I spent very little amount of time studying, I took classes as a joke until I realized the reality when I walked up the stage for my high school diploma. If I could go back in time, I would have started to practice; time management, math skills, independency and worked on putting an end to laziness.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice I would tell myself to get involved as much as possible. When applying to colleges, they want to see more than just good grades, they want well-rounded students. Being involved in the community is very important being an undergraduate, especially when moving on to a designated profession or graduate school because it will help build my resume, making me stand out from other students. College is very competitive and prospectors want to see leadership. Another thing I would tell myself is to make sure my grades are solid and if I am struggling, seek help and show improvement. Making connections with teachers is also important because they can help me out if I am showing that I care about my grades. The last piece of advice that I would give myself is to explore and take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. Show dedication to the career that I am seeking.


If I could tell high school senior me about college, I would tell myself that there is absolutely no rush to graduate. When I was a high school senior and choosing classes for my first semester in college, I thought I had everything figured out. Fast forward 3 years, I am two classes away from an AA in Anthropology but I am enlisting in Cabrillo College's medical program for Radiology. There is no time limit on finding the correct career path for you, because life changes. I wish I could have told myself to take classes that interested me instead of hurrying to get a degree. Being able to enjoy the college experinece and find myself and what I want to do would have helped me see what I really wanted for a career earlier.


If i could go back to my senior year I would do it all over again. My grades were the best they have ever been but I would change not studying everyday for the SAT's and not applying for any scholarships. I knew the school i was looking into was farley expencise, but I was a senior and I just wanted to go to college! I also knew that D'Youville gave scholarships for the SAT's. I didnt make the cut the first or second time,especially because i have test anxiety. My senior year was a great year minus those two flaws. So if I could go back I would do exactly what i am doing, and apply for scholarships.


visit the school more and get familar with your teachers


If I could go back in time, I would have forced myself to study more as a freshman. As a high school student immersed in the plethora of extracurricular clubs and activities available at my high school, I had an easy transition into college by getting involved. As a freshman in college, I got TOO involved in what my school had to offer, and my academics suffered. I now realize the importance of balancing "hitting the books" and managing a rewarding social college experience, I just wish I would have learned how to do this sooner.


First and formost make sure you sleep along with study for your ACT. Second make sure you recieve every college that says they will pay all your tuitian in writing. Third do not be afraid to decide to stay home for awhile to save money. Fourth MUNCHIES ARE KEY TO COLLEGE LIFE. And finally ask that girl your in love with if they want you to stay instead of just kissing her one last time and leaving thinking she does not feel the same way for that moment could have saved you a lot of later problems in an instant.


If I could go back, I would have gotten better grades, been more involved in my school and not waited to experience college. Don't assume the future will take care of itself. Your senior year work hard and get good grades, plan for your future. Your senior year should be fun, be actively involved in shaping the next step of your life. I would tell myself to focus and not to get distracted by all the nonsense in high school. College is so much better!