I thought I was a good student in high school, but I've realized I've grown so much already, just in three semesters. I have such good work ethic, I'm devoted, determined, and I know what I want for my future, which is why its easy to have the drive to be diligent. I've learned how I best learn, and how I can help other people do the same. I am independent as a student, which has carried through to being a daughter. When I'm home, I now have drive to help out. I don't settle. I'm getting the most out of these four years of undergrad, and hopefully will do the same for the 3 years of grad school. Learning comes from the classroom, definitely, but as much as people say it, I hadn't realized how much I've gotten from being away from home, friends, and the person who means the most to me. Looking back, the time has flown by, and in the moment I hadn't realized or been appreciative of who I am becoming, but when that ah-ha moment hit, that's all it took.
My limited collegiate experience has birthed a plethora of realizations about higher education. First, transitioning out of high school, my false self-confidence led me to believe I was incomparably wordly savy.. Yet, collegiate exposure expanded my existential insight, causing me to question my mortality and the grandeur of our universe. Awareness of my inadequacies launched into self-motivation.
Secondly, I realize the value of communication skills. The ability to analyze both the written and verbal causes engagement, contributing energy and collaboration for solutions.
College has deepened my interest in current affairs. I am motivated to delve and examine all points of view, determining implications for the future. I realize the value of systematically comparing and contrasting history of local, state, national, and world affairs to what is transpiring currently. The improvement of self is essential to the betterment of the whole.
And, finally, I have developed the awareness of the value of self-discipline. Regulating focus builds structure and brings order. An ease in perception flows promoting positivism and confidence, allowing wholesome decision making and a sense of centeredness.
Attending college was the best decision I could have made. My experiences at D’Youville College are those that I will never forget. I decided to attend this college because it had a great pharmacy program. By choosing to go to this school, I knew I could get my doctor of pharmacy degree in 6 years and at the same location. However what I did not expect to find at D’Youville were great professors, counselors, mentors, advisors and friends. All these new people that I met have impacted my life in a way that I could not have imagined. During the three semesters I have been there, I have not once felt alone. There was always someone there to talk to. It was very easy to make new friends. I learned many new things about myself. One of these things being that I was not lost or wrong in my decision making process. I knew what I wanted out of life and what my goals were but I was confused about how to achieve them. Through D’Youville, I attained a job with Trio’s Upward Bound program at D’Youville College as a mentor and tutor.
Out of the one semester I have completed at DYC, I have picked up a of couple things. For one, DYC, in fact, cares about the students, especially freshman, and really puts in the effort to make their transition from high school to college as easy and fun as possible. From all the different events, activity nights, and knowledgeable faculty to help you along the way, DYC makes you feel like you are apart of a community and not just some random number.
While I only part-time dorm at DYC, I have had the chance to meet new friends I probably never would have if I did not do so. Small class sizes and specific programs makes it easier to meet people and stay close to them. I believe meeting and gaining new friends is essential when starting in a new place.
Finally, I have learned that hard work pays off. You only get out of something as much effort as you put in. My 3.8GPA for the first semester is proof of this.
All of the things I have picked up at DYC are valuable to me because they have made me a more well-rounded person.
My experiences with D'youville College has been invaluable towards my growth as both a professional and responsible human being. I've learned much more than just academic skills, like how to communicate effectively with a diverse environment of people, and the ethical and moral standards required of people in the health care field. The coursework is very challenging, and requires an extensive amount of hard work, but I love the feeling of satisfaction I get from completing it. I know that everything I put into it now will serve to benefit me in the future. The small class sizes and personal touch I've received from D'youville has contributed a lot to my success as a student. I feel confident that I will go on to lead a rich and fulfilling professional life thanks in part to the caring faculty and staff here at D'youville.
I have learn to value the the importance of group work
What I have gotten out of my college experince I would have to say that I became a stonger student in classes that I lacked in high school. I am more independent and don't rely on my parents to fix my problems for me. I have met many different students from other cultures and backgrounds which helps me to be more understanding of others. Also, attending this college and graduating with a BSN in Nursing in three yearrs will help me have a wonderful career with many job openings in the future.
I am studying one of the most basic principles of life, yet some of the most complex subjects. Dietetics is something that effects every person on Earth. We all need to eat! Yet to fully understand it, thorough study of chemistry, biology and other sciences are required. My college experience is giving me the tools I need to understand the way our bodies and our world work so that I can help others make their bodies work better! I believe that my college experience is not only valuable to me, but will become valuable to the people I can help after graduation.
Throughout my college experience I struggled with borderline depression and demonstrated several self-damaging actions. It was only through the friends that I've met at D'Youville College that I was able to deal with my harsh feelings about myself and society and realise that I am in fact a real person with real emotions. The values that society has placed on the generations of today are at risk of tearing our country and the fabric of our beliefs apart. College has taught me that an intellect is someone that can observe both sides of any single situation, formulate their own opinion, but still respect the beliefs and opinions of others, even though they may be polar opposites. I've learned that people will always be people and have a greater concerned for themselves than for others. Why not? If I'm to become an adult in this country, I shouldn't be sheltered and protected from the poison that the world can throw at me, I should be constantly exposed to it, so that at some point in the future I will be immune to the stupidity and idiocracy of people. Love who you are, that's valuable.
So far my college experience has been a roller coaster ride. I feel like I have had a difficult time trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for school and books. I feel like I was accepted into a program then to be told that the classes are not available so I would have to "sit tight" for a year until the classes I needed were available. Then I got interested in another field of study and I am able to start these classes right away. Like I said earlier, I am also worried about my college bills. I come from a very low income family and while they can't help with the financial aspect of school they helped me realize that I needed a good college education in order to get a better life and get out of the ghetto. The neighborhood I grew up in was a good area for kids and is slowing turning into a terrible area to live in and I look forward to allow my great education to propel me into a successful career.