My college expierence has been very valuable to me. I am the first to attend college in my family and I hope to be a positive rolemodel to my little brother entering highschool this year. I have learned to enter in to new situations with confidence and an open mind. Without my college expierence I would not be the person that I am today.
My college experience has changed my life forver. I have learned to grow up and be responsible for myself in th world outside of my neighborhood. I have learned a lot in the classroom as well but I think the main lessons I have learned since going to college have been outside the classroom. I always felt like a I was doing something to get ready for my future, work hard in high school to get into college, work hard in college to get into a professional program, etc. It seemed like there was always another step I was working towards and my future goals were so far away. Just lately I have realized that now that I am in my professional program, my future is here and all my hard work is finally paying off. I learned that everything I do today is going to effect me and shape the rest of my life. There is no next step, this is it and then I am on my own. College has taught me this lesson that I need to e responsible now so I dont mess anything up in the future.
From my college experience I have learned how to manage my time better and I have also learned what my learning styles is so that I can maximize my studying. Its valuabvle to attend college because people can take money and material items from you, but your education can not be taken away. Spending the money to attend school will be reciprocated back ten fold once I begin my career.
What I have gotten so far out of my college experiance is that I have grown and learned so much about my self and what i am really capable of. I feel that i am getting a good quality education and even though my classes are really hard, i feel like i will really be prepared for my feild of work.
I would tell myself to focus on school and dont take on to many responisibilities. College is hard and the work is tough so focusing on school will really help you to succeed. Also dont worry about the money as this can take away from your college experience.
I would strongly encourage myself as a high school senior to keep my head in my books and make sure that I do the best that I could to keep my grades up. It makes a big difference in the scholarships and financial aid that a student can receive. Be prepared for college. Do all that you could to not miss any classroom time. Take advantage of the academic labs if you need a little help. Everything that is learned in college will come up in future classes. They are building blocks.
Take every grade and class seriously.
Don't blow off any classes in your senior year. And take every educational opportunity you can while in high school. Your guidance counselor and parents are there to help you, so really listen to them, becuase they have been in your shoes. Take as many AP courses that you can, becuase it will mean less time and $$ in college.
My best advice would be to go visit the school and visit classes. Meet the people that go to the school and see what the school is like off of paper. Knowing the enviornment is very important in choosing somewhere where you are happy. Don't just go somewhere because it looks god on paper. You could end up miserable. Good luck!
Finding the right college is all about feeling comfortable. Visit as many colleges as possible and when you find the right one, you will know it instantly because of the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction that overpowers you. My advice to parents of students is do not force your child to go to any one college or university. The worse thing you can do is pressure your child into attending a certain college when he/she does not truly feel comfortable there. It can affect them in a number of ways, especially academically. When it comes to finding the right college, students need to explore their options and feelings about those schools in order to be successful in their student career and future.