I have grown so much as a person in the last 2 years thanks to attending FSU. Not only have I matured, I have also figured out my passions. This has all helped me because now I know what I want to do with my life, and how to achieve it.
FSU has also helped make stronger personal connectiosn with people. I feel I have made lifelong friends thanks to coming to college. Also, being away from my family I have grown closer with distance. Also, we talk and share stories daily.
I have learned to love and fully appreciate an education. Many people take it for granted, but I know understand the full worth of it. It will benefit me in my future most surely.
I am learning from professionals who tell you the tricks of the trade and who are not afraid to tell you your work is awful. The teachers and programs push you to do your absolute best, and the the competition from fellow students is refreshing. I better understand the working world and what I have to face as soon as I finish school. It will be full of competition and my experience from school wil better help me understand and push forward to jump ahead.
College has been a wonderful experience for learning. Not only am I learning new things about my major (Costume Design) but also about life. I'm learning to live on my own and how to support and take care of myself. Everyday is a new adventure and classes are interesting. It is making me realize more and more each day that I am doing what I want to in life and want to do for the rest of my life.
Before I went to college I was working at a job that needed me 35+ hours a week. I felt like I spend all my time there and gained little for myself. I could pay for my car and insurance comfortably but it wasn't rewarding. I had a hard time finding time for myself while working there. I had to quit my job to move here and live on campus but it has been the best things I've ever done. I've learned how to take care of myself by myself and how rewarding it is to do the simple things. The classes are more than just learning math or english here. I learn people skills and study skills that will stay with me for the rest of my life. And even though it is the first semester of college for me I believe that I've made friends that will be there for me for a long time.
I have grown up a lot through out my college experience. I have been delt with some issues that I have had to face and over come on my own and because of those experiences I have become a better person. I believe that college is a learning and growing experience and I have done just that and will continue to do so through out. The education I have received and will continue recieving will be beneficial to me for my future and for that I feel very blessed. Education is free to the public up until high school, but after that it becomes very costly. I fortunatly was given prepaid for pay for the first three years of my schooling and now it is up to me to finance the rest. It has been a learning expericence trying to budget time, money, and school, but the final reward will be worth it all in the end.
College life and experiences revolve around so many fields. From education, to friends, to partying, and to coming home in that suit and tie, happily exclaiming, "I got the job!!" It happens everywhere, and to be able to experience the first few steps of the process motivates me to keep pushing through, and enjoy the bumps and curves along the way. Transitioning to a completely new lifestyle was a lot more suave than I had expected; Florida State University was, without a doubt, a huge factor of that result. The professors and students that I surrounded myself and interacted with everyday kept my motivations running ahead of the game, faster than I had expected, and slower than I wanted. Being independent, and away from home has finally allowed me to take on the world in the way that I please, responsibly or not; it's all a learning experience. Without college, I would be sitting at home, not getting the proper education or motivation necessary to fulfill the steps to my career that I have dreamed of and have been working for my entire life. My college experience has made them all worth it; I'm going somewhere.
It has been more or less a crash course in real life. I was safe and secure in my room before I headed out to the World of College. The biggest treasure that I have found in College is the fact that it is teaching me to "evolve" as fast as the World is Changing. We can not afford to stay in the past while the wolrd ahead us changes. We must also learn to adapt and improve ourselves and our Communities. Knowledge gives us this chance- it enables us to see the World for what it is- an interconnected Web of different opinions, view points and actions. For us to succeed we need to understand what drives people and what makes them think how they do (culture, economics, religion, lifestyles) and from there, move on to improve these conditions. But, we must be alert not to be prejudiced in our decision making- we must be patient.
As a child up to a year ago, I have had an extreme fear of failing to reach my full potential. While most celebrated, I was disappointed after my high school graduation. I deeply regret most of my high school years because although I started as a passionate student, I later became unmotivated and indifferent. I moved on as a student at Prince George’s Community College. Starting anew was difficult but my decision to attend PGCC later proved to be one of the best decisions in my life. My experiences at PGCC have helped me mature in many ways which cultivated my enthusiasm and determination for education and success. My full time job, full time course load and extracurricular activities have introduced me to another level of responsibility. I learned time management, prioritized my goals and most of all, realized my potential and find my passion in education once again. My experiences taught me that regrets and disappointments are a part of life and are a pathway to finding and improving oneself.
Already I have gained so many new friends and have had many new experiences. I did not know that you could find your place on campus so fast after being up here for only one month. I have already gained a sense of independence that I would never have had at home and I am learning how to live with a complete stranger. It has already been an extrememly valuable experience to be attending FSU.