I would tell myself to get them ost involved as I can while I am first year. The friends that you make at the beginning of college are the friends you will have forever. I would also tell myself to take advantage of professor's office hours because they care and want to get to know their students as best as they can. This would also help in the future for references for scholarship or getting into a certain school. I would also tell myself to know how to separate you social life from your school life. I had a few friends this semester that messed up because they did not focus on their school and just worried about their social life
I would say it is never to early to prepare for your future. Start thinking about what you are passionate about and network into that field. Volunteer as often as you can, where ever you can because that experience could qualify you for a job in the near future. Always ask questions because people love to see you willing to work and learn what you need to do to succeed. Also don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone beacuse you never know what you actually like until you try something diffrent.
Enjoy your time beacuse it goes by so fast, so don't wish the future to get here so soon. Be sure to work hard first and play hard after. Take a break when you need to, because you will need the energy later, and learn how to manage your time wisely beacuse too much idle time is never a god thing. Last, but not least do everything with integrity and represent yourself well where ever you go, this means honesty, trustworthy, and dependability. Find a support system of likeminded indiviuals or friends to motivate each other through hard times. Dont worry Be happy! Smile
Study and get the best grades you possibly can. Take AP classes and a variety of subjects. Take Spanish!!! You will be in a working world soon and you need to be able to communicate with as many people as possible. Don't party so much...plan for your future. Spend time reading as much as you can now of the books you will need to know for college. Apply for scholarships because college is EXPENSIVE!
The advice I would give to my high school self would be to search for as many scholarships as you can and to get involved in as many ways as you can within your community. When you are all done with the paperwork for college and you get onto the college campus, college becomes real; not just a dream or vision anymore, but a reality. Scholarships are very helpful in that they can assist in paying for your schooling as well as living expenses. When you live on your own, bills begin to pile up and money becomes not a pleasure to have, but a dire necessity. I struggled through my first year of college because I did not try to get as many scholarships as I could; I just stuck with a few. I promised myself that I would try harder and apply for more scholarships this year. Another thing I would tell my past self is I that getting involved with the community brings up a lot of opportunities to meet people and give back. College is more fun when you know your peers and are involved in something that intrigues you.
Make school and your future your number one priority. Every decision made after high school will affect the outcome of your life to come, so make every choice count! You have all the tools necessary to succeed and are more than completely capable of achieving everything you want your life to be, it's only a matter of doing it. How others handle and approach their personal decisions should not affect you in the slightest. Truly take time to figure out what you want and what you need, make a plan, then act toward those goals. The honest truth is life isn't easy, but a little hard work now, will pay off immeasurably in the future! You can do it, I believe in you. So get started!
What advice would I give myself as a high school senior for college? I would tell myself not to stress about work as much and not to push myself too hard. School work comes first so working 40 hours a week along with school is doable but it is going to take a lot out of you. Try to stick to a part time job and study a lot. It isn't going to be easy but it will be worth it in the end. No matter what anyone else says, chase your dream. You have to strive to accomplish your goals. Never give up and always have faith in yourself. That is the advice I would give myself for college.
If I could go and tell myself anything before I left high school early as a senior and went off to college I would tell myself to stay focused and to not get distracted by the "new world" that was college. It isn't a big enough deal that you're in college to allow yoru grades to slip. I would also warn myself to avoid being distracted by the possiblity of a relationship. Just because you're out of small little Claxton, GA does not mean that every guy is gay and into you. Focus on YOU and what this experience is doing. I feel like I would also tell myself to get involved in things on campus much, MUCH sooner rather than coming in halfway through the second semester just to be "that awkward new guy". If I had been involved with my campus ministry sooner I would have been much closer with some of my current best friends and would have been able to make even better memories! Last, I would remind myself that it's okay to mess up and it's okay to give a wrong answer in class. Don't worry so much!
When I was a teenager, I always believed that I had time to put things off. In my head, time would never cease to move forward, so why do something now when you could do it later? All of that changed instantly my freshman year of college. If I could tell my high school self-one thing it would be don’t wait to get anything done. Procrastination leads down a road of unsatisfactory results.
I had transitioned from a world where simple tasks were constantly being watched by your high school teachers, to a world where every single decision that you are faced with is totally up to you. I never had so much control over my life, in my life! Everything totally depended on all the decisions I made. And at first, it caught me off guard. I was completely overwhelmed by the seemingly endless amount of papers to write, books to read, and of course, social events to attend. So as a result, my grades suffered a bit more than I would have liked them to. In conclusion, if you have free time to do something, do it right then to reduce worry about it later on.
I would tell myself to not worry about what impressions you're going to make on other people. Be yourself to the best of your ability because the real you is going to come out, and the people who you feel like you can be yourself around are going to be your best friends. Hang on to these people and invest in their friendships. The people you invest in and get to know will be the best time you spend in college because not only will you find happiness in them and their friendship, but you will also have the opportunity to be an impact in other peoples' lives in ways that you couldn't even imagine in high school. You have something unique to bring to this college. Don't try to hide it.
High School can either excite you or frighten you about your first year in college. My advice to myself, if I can go back in time, is be excited! Excitement is raised from the knowledge that you will acquire and independence that you will have to be embrace. That college fund that your parents may have been working on, may no longer exist by the time you graduate. No need to worry about your parents’ expenses because there are countless scholarships that are open to high school seniors that will assist tuition and supply costs. Saving and smart spending is an important concept that you should learn because it will be used almost everyday. Students are easily manipulated that suggested textbooks and supplies are absolutely necessary and must be purchased from the university store, which usually sells overpriced items. A way to avoid excessive spending is to seek out every source around campus and online. The best prices and deals are usually located on Internet-based stores. Don’t let money stress you out too much! While your attending college, stay up to date with events and fairs that are happening and are usually free and fueled by entertainment.