High school is not that big of a deal. Teachers did not prepare me for college, you prepare yourself. Nothing is that serious or that difficult that you won't be able to handle. Have fun, sit back, and enjoy the ride.
Advice I needed dearly in high school can be summarized in two simple words: start early. I was always a procrastinaor in high school, mostly because I could get away with it, but if there's anything college has taught me, it's that if you want to get anything done, you need to start on it right when you find out. It started with my application process. I waited far too long to apply to Georgia Southern University and when my application finally arrived, availabilities were slim, especially in freshman housing, which is why I was placed in housing that I didn't find satisfactory. Also, the first semester of college taught me the importance of studying instead of cramming which is what I used in high school. College exams are far more complex and comprehensive and cramming is ineffective for me. My first semester of college has taught me that I need to take initiative instead of waiting till the final moment before I begin something.
The advice I would give myself is to learn great study habits. Do no depend on your high school teachers to prepare you for college. Prepare yourself! Have fun - make new friends - take risks! Try not to be too hard on yourself or stress too much. If you do the best you can do, then that's enough. Most importantly, don't forget to pray.
I would tell myself to take the classes that I knew I was going to take in college just so I would not be starting from the beginning with the classes I am taking now. Just because I did not want to take the classes in high school does not mean that I should just save them for later. Taking the classes that I am taking now would have been smart.
One thing I would stress to myself as a senior in highschool would to be to actually care about my classes! I think I did not take class as seriously as I should have and did not evelop proper studying habits and I'm definitely paying for that now. Everything is not as big of a deal as it seems and I need to focus on the important things in life like family and friends.
I would certainly tell myself to stop considering any other college beside Georgia Southern University. Not only have I begun to expand my education vastly from what it was not one year ago, but I have grown roots in the community of Statesboro and developed a network of friends and classmates that have changed me into the adult I want to be.
I would tell myself that going to college really can make a difference. It is a lot easier to go to college fresh out of high school then it is to try and go back 10 years later. Having a college education will make things so much easier. It will allow you the pride in knowing you finished your degree, it will help find a job that you not only like but that you enjoy going to. No, things won't always be easy but with strenght and deadication you will be able to graduate. Once you finish no one will be able to take your degree away from you. Graduating from college is a honor, one that should not be taken forgranted. After all is said and done you will be happier with your life and the choices a college education will allow you to have.
Going to college is fun and not as horrible as you imagine. Don't procrastinate for the next few years because it is worth the time and effort of getting a head start on a failing economy. By now you could have already had your Masters degree in whatever field of study that you were interested in. There is so many opportunities out there and it's important to get ahead early. Once you have a foot in the door with education the rest comes easily. There is little to be said about work experience without a degree these days, so get on the ball!
You should really push yourself to do your very best. College is a place when you go to set a career goal for your and have a better life for your future. Not going to college is not an option, because education is key. In this economy today, you can not afford to settle for a low-income job. You should not want a job, you should want a career and always push yourself to do better. Your parents have very high standards and expectations for you. My mother always says, "I want you to do better than I did, I want you to be someone, I don't want you to have to struggle." College and even life itself is not designed to be easy. Things are always going to be difficult and as you progess and start to find your way things are going to get harder. If life was made to be easy everyone would be rich and there would be a lack of order and balance in the world. You can do anything you wish, even though things might get challenging, everything will be fine as long as you keep in control of your actions.
Be sure to spend time with those who matter to you because the distance you put between the two of you when you go off to college will make things difficult in seeing them. Let go of the relationship with Josh because going into my freshmen year with a boy at home makes it harder to interact with others. Having him still in your life makes it harder to be away from home, by the time Christmas break comes around you'll be done and the first semester of college will be over and that time you spent reserving yourself because of him will be wasted. Go to college to have fun and do well in school, you will actually learn how to study so you do well in your classes, and enjoy the time you have with those who you choose to surround yourself with because those are the people that will be there when you need them.