Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


My experience as a college freshman has been invaluable because it has forced me to realize that sometimes getting to college is easy but to try and pay for it is the trial and that trial never ends, but you must be willing to go for it and do whatever is necessary to obtain your goal. I will do what ever I have to to make sure that I graduate from Georgia Southern University. Being a freshman has also taught me that I have to budget my time and my money according ly because if I don't then it will be gone fatser that you know it.


What i have gotten out of school is that life is not easy. No one said that getting though school was easy. Learning is the best thing now a days. Without learning is the way not to go, without it you can't get any where. but work at a dead end job not making any kind of good money that you make if you are in school. i've also learned that having childern this day and age if i dont go to school my childern will never have any thing that i can give then but just my love for them.


I have gained confodence and the ability to go outside of my comfort zone. I have learned how to work ell in groups and help others out when they need it.I have learned how to cut lose and who true friends are. I have learned more outside of the college classroom than in it. Yes, the classes are helpful and they will help me in my future career. But the experience and lessons you learn outside of the classroom are just as valuable. I have grown as a person and have learned who I am.


I began attending college a little earlier than most kids my the age of 16. Sure, I still lived with my parents and was attending a Community College, not a University, but it was college all the same. At first I was very nervous about being able to keep up with the work load and not fitting in with students much older than I was, but I soon discovered that college was a place where I wouldn't feel judged for my age, clothes or beliefs. Being in an open-minded environment focused on education and learning through experiance proved extrememly valuble when I chose to study abroad in South Africa and India at a cross-cultural school September 2009- March 2010. Attending college, even for a year provided a great, applicable, focused education. Now as I venture halfway across the country instead of halfway across the world to attend Liberty University, I am prepared to learn new and exciting information as well as priceless life lessons.


I live three hundred miles away from the college I decided to attend. Needless to say, I had to make a whole new set of relationships from scratch. In just eight months time, I have cultivated new friendships that I know will never be broken and are more important to me than any friendships I had throughout high school. What is so spectacular about these relationships is that they aren't just between my peers and I; I have made long-lasting connections with professors who care about more than just the grades on my transcript. My first year of college was very hard for me. Adjusting to the new freedom, managing my time, and staying healthy proved to be more of a challenge than I had imagined. Luckily, I had two professors who constantly took the time to see how I was doing. The more I leaned on them the easier it became and the more I learned about myself. The absolute best advice I can give anyone who is going off to college is to befriend your professors and find friends you can lean on. It is too hard to do it on your own.


I have never known true hard work until now, The stress pours like sweat from my brow, The fear of the unknown picks at my mind, Who knew it was myself college would help me find? For so long I wondered what to do with my life, I battled my own decisions with such question and strife, I took classes in this, and some classes in that, Changed my major a few times at the drop of a hat, But all the time spent in classes I would someday not need, Was not time wasted because you see, In those moments of unease and not knowing if I was doing the right thing, I didn?t realize deep down inside I was really finding me, And for the first time in my life I knew that I had overcome I made a choice and an accomplishment of my own, I found that life is not meant to be easy it?s supposed to be a very bumpy road, So what is the value of college you ask? I could spend hours trying to make a list but that would be useless Because I believe that finding yourself is truly priceless.


So far, I hae already learned it takes hard work to achieve your goal.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is knowledge about other cultures and the experience of responsibility. College has been valuable to attend, because it has brought me out of my shell and let me experience life on my own.


I am always looking to improve my life; academically, mentally, socially, etc. I have large dreams; all of which can and will be accomplished. The way to ultimate success is through education. Without it, many would flounder. I believe it is absolutely necessary to attend College, and even more schooling afterwards. I have gained so much from Georgia Southern University. I have learned about the need for helping others, getting involved, and being a better person. The faculty at this school is truly wonderful. I can talk to some of my Professors about things I can not talk to friends or family about. I have learned to be a more open, and accepting individual. Furthermore, I have tended to have a pessimistic view on the world. What with so many disasters and the like going on; but going to college, and spreading my horizon, has shown me that there is still so much more good in the world than I knew of. College has shaped me into a better, smarter, and more optimistic person.


I am only in my first year, but it has taught me a lot about life, and different ways that I can go about living it. There are some life lessons that people learn early on, or later in their lives. College is a preparatory stage in every young adult's life that attends college, for the real world. Some people are out on their own for the very first time, others are being exposed to different race, ethnic and religious backgrounds outside of their homes for the very first time, and then there are some who are meeting their first set of academic challenges; the list goes on. Either way, I have been fortunate enough to encounter meeting new people and discovering new walks of life during my time here. A lot of ideas and preconceived concepts that I had before I came here are being challenged in almost every area of my life. It's all about change, and how one handles it. I am choosing to learn from my mistakes, use my time on more valuable things, and help others to avoid going through the unecessary trials like I have throughout my life.