Go through the dorms again and enjoy every minute you have in college.
Perseverance, determination & discipline are the pillars through which I have built my beliefs from since I was a child. These are qualities of those students who have the motivation and who dream of what they believe they have already accomplished because they are completely sure they will succeed in life. In life one must imagine you have already attained specific goals you have set for yourself in present day, because once you believe you have achieved it, reaching that point just seems natural. This is something I learned from reading a book by the name "The Secret", a world-wide best seller. After comprehensively reading and really taking in the messages from this book I completely new what I wanted in life and how I was going to achieve those objectives. So far, I have made crucial decisions in my life from the first day of high school up until today. If I had the chance to travel back in time I can be sure that I would follow in the same footsteps I have proudly left behind me for my footsteps have continued to grow with me in time. Inclusively, I stand today assured they will continue to grow.
I would tell myself to always remain focused. College is a lot harder than high school and you have to study weeks before a test and not just the night before. For example, everyday after a class you should go home or to the library and re-read the notes you just took. Never skip a class, it makes the teachers mad and you miss out on the information that WILL be on the next test. I would tell myself to apply early for scholarships and financial aid because it isn't always easy to get. I would also say to enjoy yourself and never be too shy to talk to the person beside you in class, they will probably be sitting there awhile with you and they can help you study. Also, never be to shy to talk to professors. You want them on your side, it makes a world of difference when they know the face to the name on the paper.
This survey is tooo damn long
I would tell myself to take easier classes my freshmen year to boast my GPA to earn hope. Definitely organization is key to success here in college so I would implement organization and time to study.
The advice I would give to myself as a high school senior... Don't be too excited about not living with Mama and Daddy anymore. You will miss them more than you can imagine right now, even though they are overbearing and have high expectations. Appreciate everything you have been given, and all of the talents that you have. Many people have to work much harder to acheive the things you do, so be grateful. Tell the people that you love how much you love them, you may never be able to tell them again. There are so many things that I could tell myself, but in all honesty, if I knew these things beforehand, what would advice would I have to give? I would rather not give myself advice, because the experience is what matters.
Coming out of high school, I don't feel that I was prepared for college. High school teachers tended to "baby-sit" us students. They somewhat gave "false-hope". They made students believe that college would not be difficult and that professors would always be there to help. There is much diversity so, students can be mean and close-minded. I now know college is very difficult. You must study and work hard in order to keep up with your peers. Thinking about going to graduate school, you must work even harder. Professors are willing to help sometimes, but for the most part you're on your own. You have to take responsibility for your schoolwork and decide to attend class on your own. You also have to follow the syllabus given the first day of class. Important dates such as tests, assignments, and quizzes are listed and may not be announced. In the classroom it is better to actually learn the material given, not memorizing for a test. You have to communicate with your peers and show them who you are. Going into college you must be responsible, focused, as well as independent.
I would tell myself that I need to study more often and should take classes that are need for the future. Also to learn more about my major before going into and have no idea.
I would have studyed more and gotten myself into better study habits sooner.
Live life to the fullest, don't take anything for granted and enjoy your college life, because these are seriously the best years of your life. You will meet amazing people and have friendships that will last a lifetime. Study and work hard but make sure to have some time for play. Be involved in your school and your community because both will be greatly appreciated and just have fun.