Try not to let anyone hinder your learning ability. Study to become the person that you want to be in the field that you enjoy. This will be your career one day so make sure that you like what you are studying to become. Words are only words and other people may try and stomp on your self esteem but do not let them run your life. They are only trying to make themself feel better about their life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would give the advice not to stress out so much about fitting in at college. I was so worried I wouldn?t make any new friends, or that I wouldn?t have anything in common with the student who go there. As I came to find out once I got into college this was false. I have made many friends at Georgia Southern that I keep in touch with even though we aren?t in the same classes anymore. My freshman year was a great experience for me as far as making friends and meeting new people. I have met many people who desire to also be nurses, so that?s even more we have in common. I definitely over analyzed and worried too much about starting college, it has been a great experience for me.
Assuming that I could visit myself as a high school senior and knowing what I know about college, I think the one piece of advice I would give myself would be time management. The hardest thing for high school seniors entering college is time management and prioritizing. Being a college student is a privilege not a right and so often high school seniors enter college with preconceived ideas of what college is like and then realize college entails being a responsible adult. College can and is supposed to be a fun an eye-opening experience for everyone, but some students so often lose sight of what is important while attending college. College is supposed to help individuals grow and expose them to different views and ways of thinking while guiding them on the path to success. In order to be successful and taken seriously not only in college but in life, you first have to take your work as well as yourself seriously. Staying on the right path in college doesn?t mean not enjoying the experience, it just means being responsible and productive while you do it.
I would tell myself not to take too many hours and to really think about what I want to do in life and that it's ok to drop classes if you're doing badly in them. To make sure I go to class cause it's more important than you think.
Visit different colleges! By just visiting one or not visiting at all, you have no clue to how you will feel at that campus. When I visited Georgia Southern, I knew it was immediately right for me.
My advice is to look closely at price size and population ratio. However, ultimately, let the student decide. If you turn out not to like it, try again and transfer somewhere else. Some people have to try more than one college to decide whats best for them.
Take your time on finding/ choosing a college just right for the student. Personally I had about fifteen schools on in front of me that I wanted to attend. I took a visit with my parents to see if any of the schools were the right fit for me. Look into how big the university/college is, how big classes are, if the school offers my major and see how much it cost. Those were the big four things that looked at when I went on my visits. A student wouldn't want to attend a college that they don't like at all. Once you find that college you want to attend GO and have the best time of your life. Make alot of friends because those are the friends that will be in your life forever.
The best advice I am able to provide to parents and/or students about which college would be best for them, is that they should definitely choose a school they feel comfortable with. If you're not comfortable with the school you choose to go to, how would you expect to get anything done? It would be difficult to achieve scholastic success if you feel socially awkward at the school or if you feel like the professors are not meeting your standards. That is why it is vital to "shop" around for colleges. Go to the colleges and check them out first-hand. You really can't go by the pictures in a brochure of what the college is really about. It's best to see it for yourself before you decide. Also, never discredit a school unless you have a reason. Keep an open mind about all potential schools and don't rule any out for a superficial reason, because for all you know, they may have a superb program in your area of study even though the gym in undergoing maintenance. So, the most important thing to ask yourself when choosing a school is "am I comfortable here?"
For parents I would say let the child choose where they want to go because they will have to be there for the next four years. For the student go where it makes you happy, not because that is where your parents want you to go or that is where your friends are going. Do what makes you happy because you will have to be there for the next four years.
Good research and positive attitude.