Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


If I could go back and advise myself on the college experience that I have had so far, I would, first, tell myself to prepare to meet many new people and prepare to make lasting relationships with people. I would also tell myself that I am about to be challenged in a way that I was never challenged before. The many different ways one is able to learn are all implemented in college. From hands on research projects to classroom involvement, college is going to challege the student in a way that is unparalleled by any other academic institution, like middle or high school. Finally, I would advise myself on the importance of developing a strong moral foundation before going to college. Many people are going to challenge your beliefs, but if one has a strong foundation, they are much better off and can focus strongly on their education.


Go with your first gut feeling and stick to a major you know in your heart will make you happy. Don't let your family influence your choices. It's better to go to a job you love than have to force yourself to get up in the mornings. In the end only you can make yourself happy. Move out from the nest and start making a life for yourself. Meet new people and do new things. And go on that date with Trey, he turns out to be a great guy and later your husband:)


To study more, and take time for myself.


Looking back to my senior year in highschool, the major advice I would give myself would be to relax. College does put pressure on you but it only helps you grow. It is not as hard as you think it will be as long as you attend class and study, you will succeed. You must come into college with an open mind and open yourself up to change. You must assert yourself in your classes and attend office hours with your professors because it will greatly improve your grades. For the present, stay focused during your senior year! Your grades do still count and even though you may have already gotten excepted into your number one college, you have to keep your grades up to keep your acceptance letter and your scholorships. Lastly, have fun. College is a time for finding yourself so go out and have fun but do so while finding a good balance between studying and friends. You will love college and all it brings you.


I would advise myself that college is about self-sufficiency. You have to be self-sufficient in both the classroom and in your living. I would remind myself that it is important that to be informed about school policies (i.e., HOPE, classes, etc.). While it is important to have mentors, whether faculty members or others, it is necessary that one does not soley depend on those people to ensure one's success. Essentially, it is best to be proactive.


I would have rethought my career choices. I picked engineering as my first career and struggled my first year and my gpa suffered. I struggled from loss of interest not from struggling achidemically. Since I have changed into the college of Business Administration I have excelled and find myself more at home.


Enjoy your senior year becuase life is very different after high school.


Be perpared for anything.


I would have looked at college as more of a place to learn and take advantage of many great resources and opportunities than as just a place to party while getting a degree. There is no limit on what you can learn and achieve while in college as long as you know the means to attain those goals that you may have set for yourself. I would have also visited more colleges before making my selection, as size and the surrounding town are as important as the school itself. College can be much more fulfilling and enriching if you take advantage of what the local area has to offer beyond campus. While here in Athens, I have been able to learn more about different cultures than I had even known existed due to the diverse and liberal offerings of the city as well as from the university itself.


I would definitely give my self the advice of using resources that the university offers you, once you are in college. Also as a high schooler it is important to do well academically in order to be eligible for more scholarships. I would tell myself, a high school senior to put a lot of time and effort in researching and applying scholarships in order to avoid fincancial problems while in college. I would also tell myself to put myself out there as soon as college starts and to utilize professors, create networks, make contacts every moment while in college, because there is so much help offered, you just have to go ask for it. In addition, I would advise myself to make the most of the time in college, academically and socially because college might just be the best time of your life!