As a student who had to procure loans to pay for college, I would have told myself to apply for as many scholarships as I could have before the second half of the semester as I had done. I didn't win any of the scholarships that I had applied for, and thus had to resort to getting loans to pay off the rest of my tuition. Also, I would have told myself to study harder and refresh my memory of everything I beieved I was going to be taking in college. I had to take Biology for the first time in 4 years this semester, and I couldn't remember much of anything I had learned in my high school Biology class. It would have made the transition so much smoother if I had done that.
I would definitely tell myself to apply for more scholarships. I would also tell myself to focus on my classes more than anything else and not to worry so much about trying to fit in with others. I would strongly urge myself to think about my future instead of the present and encourage myself to study through out the week instead of just the night before. I would tell myself that I should set even higher goals and put more effort into achieving goals. I would also tell myself to pray that I stay grounded and to keep God first . I would keep it real and let myself know that I should have fun in college , but not to the point where I am letting my entertainment keep me from doing my best in school.
If I could go back in time and advise myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that college is not as scary as I thought it would be. I would tell myself that making friends isn't hard and that living off campus for your first year is not ideal. As a senior, I thought that getting away from my family would be so great, but being away from people who love and take care of you is hard. Living on your own is not all it's cracked up to be. Ultimately, I would emphasize that college is about self-exploration and development. College is great for the experiences you have and the people you meet. The academics are very important, but it's good to not get too wrapped up in your books and instead, begin your adult life with experiences that will last a lifetime.
Listen to your dad about how you are carrying yourself. Creating future success for yourself and being an influential inventor will be hard if you don?t. Don?t think that just because you did good last year you will this year.
If you continue down like this you will dreadfully fail your first semester. You start to loose your sense of reality resorting to making up stories to explain all your failures when it boils down to two simple things. 1, you could not get up on time, and 2, you started to become the king of procrastination.
Get yourself a good alarm clock, and something nice to use as an agenda. Write everything down and get your work done as soon as you can. The free time to enjoy the excellent college you are going to will come, but you?re going to have to buckle down and work hard for it.
Don?t worry about the past, just remember the good parts, all your drama works itself out. Just try to get your priorities straight, and follow them. Trust me its better to do the work now, then to wait for more later.
If I were able to go back in time talking to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself about the things you have to prepare for when you get to college. I would advise myself to fill out as many scholarships as I can to make sure that I am financially stable. I would also advise myself to pick the major(s) you are most comfortable with to study. Also, I would tell myself to just be prepared for challenges and tasks that you may or may not want to compete. Finally I would just advise myself, to be happy in college. Enjoy making as many new friends as possible and at the same token do your schoolwork and take your responsibilities seriously.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would be my biggest motivator. I would motivate myself to do much more and much better. I would be a constant reminder to myself that every effort that i make counts and that the harder i work now the greater the reward in the future. I would advise myself to be more sacrificial, to be more organized, and to be more serious about school. I would challenge myself on tedious projects and homework assignments especially one's that i liked the least. I would also remind myself that I am a leader not a follower so everything i do would have a purpose behind it and possibly influence the lives of other in a positive way.
I would make sure I had worked more to have saved more money. I would have told myself how homesick I would be. I would also have told myself that even though I thought I was prepared for the academic aspects of college, I will not be. It is very difficult and do not allow myself to fall behind for any reason, whether it is related to course difficulty or sickness.
I actually felt my high school did a great job at preparing me for college life, well, the academic part of it anyways. As for the transition from living with my parents and sister to three strangers, I had no idea what that would be like. But, I am very fortunate that I can adapt to any situation that comes my way. I graduated from Maine, but moved to Georgia with my dad on a whim and persued my college career down here. It was a culture shock because everyone just seemed so nice, but very religious. I am not a relgious person, but I am very open-minded, accepting, and kind to all. I was always excited to go to college, to see some place different, and to experience different things, so if I went back in time and prepared myself for what was to come, I would tell myself to travel more; go to Georgia, because it would open my eyes to a different, but great world, even if it is in the same country; and also to do what I love, remember and share where I came from, and not let anyone pursuade me otherwise.
If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to stress so much because I have been well prepared for college. Also, I would tell myself that arranging my schedule is very important and is a key to my success in college. There are so many activities that are going on on campus that you can get too involved in activities and not enough in school work. If I just stay focused on what my goal is, you will be fine.
Don't goto college without a goal in mind. If you are only going because it is what 'naturally follows' high school then rethink what you actually want and what you want out of life and college.