If I were to go back in time and give advice to myself I would not say anything that could alter the way I lived my undergraduate years. This is not due to the fact that I did not make any mistakes or have any regrets during college, because I certainly did, but I firmly believe that life is composed of making wrong decisions and the lessons that we gain from them. I got my heart broken during college, blown money on unnecessary items, signed up for classes that were clearly above my head, but in the end I learned how to cope with the decisions I made and I truly believe that all of these experiences have molded me into the mature woman that I am today. I could go back into time and re-direct myself to not make those mistakes, but ultimately if I had not gone through them, I seriously doubt that I would be as independent and strong as I am now. Making wrong turns in life and living through the hard times is exactly why I believe we are here because only then can we learn to enjoy the good things in life.
I would advise myself to have better study habits. My senior year, I did good by studying the night before and on the day of the test, but this isn't possible in college
In high school I felt that I was not the type who would do well in college; however, if I could go back I would tell myself that I am entirely capable of college and that I can succeed. I would also tell myself to open up more and to step outside of my comfort zone--because going through your first semester without friends is extremely difficult. Finally, I'd tell myself not to be afraid of all the great things I can accomplish with enough passion and dedication.
I'd tell myself to stay more focused and don't let anything come between anything and my studies. I'd also say becareful on the friends I chose. Lastly, I'd tell myself to not procrastinate, that will be the death of me.
Walking into high school four years ago was a whole new adventure for me. There were all kinds of classes I could take, boys to flirt with, friends to make, and so much more. Even though it was an overwhelming page to turn in my life, I took it on as a challenge and did as well as any other ninth grade student. In the next few years, my concentration fell. If I could go back to that year, I would not have concentrated on sports and social time and concentrated more on my studies. It really is true that there is no such thing as too much studying. I graduated a week ago and am now enrolled in the community college in my home town, and then plan to transfer to a four year university. Looking back on the past few years, there were many nights I chose not to study when I should have. In these upcoming years of college, I plan to concentrate as much as possible on my studies because once that test is taken or that assignment is turned in, there's no looking back, you can only plan to do better in the future.
If I could go back in time when I was a senior in highs school and give myself advice about the transition to college I would stress any number of things. One bit of advice I would suggest to myself would be to consider thinking about taking a realistic number of credited hours. Instead of taking sixteen hours like everyone else stick to twelve or even fourteen because now I can only withdrawal from three more classes the rest of my college career. I would also advise to get involved. Being involved has helped my leadership skills grow and improve as well as keeping me busy enough that I do not have time to get into trouble. The last piece of advice I would give would be to make time for fun. Do not commit every hour of your life to studying. Make lots of friends and go enjoy being a young adult. Have responsible fun. I would advise myself to study hard and do the very best I can but remember to make wonderful memories that are completely unforgettable!
If i could go back in time to my senior year in high school I would do things alot different. I would have spent more time focusing on my grades and applying for scholarships. Now I know the importance of a education and understand that it comes with hard work. I would have told myself to work harder, and the earlier you start the easier it is going to be.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to enjoy it and not worry so much about leaving. I graduated high school early because i could not wait to be independent. So I guess in essence I would be telling myself that independence is way overrated. Although high school sucked in many ways so does college. College comes with many responsibilities i could have waited to attain. Being younger than most of the freshman here does not help either, it is hard when they can go out and do things that because I am younger I cannot do. Waiting and just going through high school like evryone else instead of getting ahead would not have been such a bad thing.
Study more and pay attention in all my classes. Sustain a suitable GPA to qualify and apply for many scholarships. Learn to manage time between school and social life.
I think that I would tell myself to actually join an organization, to make more of an attempt at making friends, try to experience more of the world, use more of the resources the school has to offer and try to make an effort to study.