Most say that attending college is valuable because of the degree you obtain when you are finished. Often times leaving out all the other benefits of attending college, or in my case the 4-year university commonly referred to as Georgia Southern. It is obvious that people take these years out of their life and spend all of this money in order to hopefully improve their future careers, but I think in most cases the greatest values of a university lies much deeper.
As only a sophomore at GSU I have matured more than I ever thought possible, made more friends than I could have ever imagined, and created more memories than I can count. Sure I have learned more about the world than I ever would have had I not come here, especially since I am an International Studies major, but I have also gained those things in life that one holds onto and looks back on and cherishes for the rest of their life. I have grown through my valuable experiences and I am changed for the better because of the incredible people here. Most importantly, I have made lasting memories none of which would exist without college.
I have gotten an incredible growth experience out of attending college thus far. I have discovered who I am as a person now, and who I want to become in the future. I have learned what I am capable off and have learned to strive for what I want to achieve. I have gained academic knowledge that will prepare me to excel in my choosen field after I graduate, but I have also been given inspiration to always remain down to earth no matter where life takes me. I have met amazing people that have taught me to have an open mind and appreciate all the diversity that this world encompasses. I wouldn't change my college years for the world because it has taught me to work hard for my education and to take a step back and enjoy all that life has to offer.
So far, from my college experience, I would have to say I have learned how to 'market' myself to fellow students and professors. By branching out and meeting new students, I have been given the opportunity to make so many new friends. I also think that I have learned so much more self-discipline and responsibility. I have learned how to manage my time and learned very good work/study habits. Also, by moving out, I have learned to be more self reliable and independent. College has completely changed my outlook on life and I have learned so much about different cultures and people. My college experience has been unforgettable and I would not change a thing about it.
I have learned so much in my college experience that contributed to my spiritual, physical, and educational growth. My involvement in the National Organization for Women has changed my views on the word “feminism” and opened my eyes to the negative connotation that comes with being affiliated with that word. My everyday conversations have enhanced, which is amazing. I never would have thought I would be debating in my living room about politics, or heath benefits. My spiritual life assisted my journey as a college student and grew as I did. Attending this University was one of the best things for me. A college degree is like the key to a locked door. I am able to pursue the career I want or a different one. My family and friends will be very proud of me, and I will feel extremely accomplished. I am hanging in there, and will be the first in my generation to obtain a college degree.
I have received several benefits such as knowledge needed to be succesful and experience.
I have learned that partying is not what college is about. I am currently in a 12-step recovery program and have been sober for 2 years. I always thought you spent your freshman year adjusting to the party life and then get your studies. I was completely wrong. I began college sober and I have continued my sobriety. I have found what I want to do in life, which is Logistics with a minor in Spanish. My peers and professors have encouraged me to always achieve my goals and that is what I am doing. I am currently in the Gamma Beta Phi honor society. I give back to my community and school by participating in this organization. I know that if I were not sober today, I would not have had this wonderful opportunity to succeed in life.
My college experience has showed me many things thus far. The very first thing was the freedom of finally being on my own. This freedom allowed me to develop a responsibility which has applied into my every day schoolwork. For example responsibilities such as getting to class every day, turning in assignments, and studying on my own for exams. College has also allowed me to make new connections with people I already consider valuable to my present and future. But connections are not as valuable as the education I am receiving. This far I am able to say college has been a true challenging journey, the education I've received enriches the value of the degree I am pursuing and will one day allow me to get the job of my dreams. In general, college has been valuable to my everyday as well as my academic life, an experience that so far has taught different values and given me qualities that will be used in the everyday world for years to come.
I feel that after I leave Kent State University (and attend graduate school), I will be prepared for my dream career: clinical child psychologist. Graduate school is extrememly hard to get into, but with all the oppurtunities on campus, I feel I have an advantage over many applicants. I have been able to work directly with professors on their research projects, giving me valuable experience. There has also been many job-related experiences available on campus. For example, I can work in the psychology clinic. This will give me my first real-life experience working with clients. Graduate schools will look at this and know that I have the skills neccesary to work with clients before they accept me. My teachers have also opened my eyes to issues unrelated to psychology. For example, my Nonviolence teacher has motivated me to get involved and be an activist on issues I feel strongly about. I have been able to create a student organization to help changethese issues. This campus has fully-allowed me to reach my potential. On any other campus, I would not have been able to gain these varied experiences or broaden my interests to the extent I have..
I have learned how to live independly while having some people to lean on if I steer off my path. I have met a variety of people and made connections that if I needed to, in the future, could ask for a favor. When it comes to eduacation, I have learned how to be successful in my classes. One thing that is vitally important is figuring out how to manage your time in the most effective and efficient way. I had to balance a few different things such as classes, homework, soccer, and working out at the RAC ( Recreation Activity Center). It is valuable to attend college because when I graduate, I will be able to get a job that will be related to chemistry. Also working with chemistry teachers in the lab over the summer will help open up job opportunities and at the very least show that I have job experience in the area. Having connections are important to making it in life and attending college gives me countless chances to make these connections that otherwise would be difficult to achieve.