From my college experience, I have leanred to be more open to people, not be afraid to stand up for myself, and also that I need to totally rely on God in order to make it through the day.
I have managed to attend the University of my choice through my academic success and the money I acquired from my summer job. My parents are inable financially to help pay for my college education leaving me to find ways, such as scholarships, to allow me to attend college. Trying to find scholarships and a summer job were obstacles that I found discouraging. However, working at Wendy's over the summer put into perspective the true importance of getting a higher education. I plan to make a difference in this world with the help of a college education. I plan to save children's lives and be apart of the satistic of young adults being successful despite poor circumstances.
The college experience is focused around one key characteristic, independence. Learning to develop time management skills, important social skills, and ultamately making my own decisions as an adult has been rewarding in a fire by baptism way.
This year i have found out what it is like to be responcable and to get envolved with my peers. As the year progresses I can keep pushing thanks to all the teachers support in and out of class and the people all over the campus are just like a professional environment where everyone gives you the respect that you are due and in turn it is returned to every person.
In the last two years of high school, I attended Cuyahoga Community College Western Campus and earned my Associate of Science degree. Other than the degree, I got a lot out of my time at Tri-C. First of all, my time at Tri-C taught me a few things about the college experience. I learned how to manage my time better to ensure that I had enough time to study for tests and complete assignments. I also learned about scheduling classes and college life in general. I did not attend any high school courses in the final two years of my time at Tri-C. It was valuable to attend Tri-C because I saved money and the classes were more interesting and challenging than high school courses. I got to work towards my Bachelor's in Microbiology and Medical School.
Out of my college experience so far I have gotten a rich pool of new knowledge that I have never been introduced to before. I have also learned to live by myself and take care of myself in ways that I never needed to before. I learned to break out of my shell and step out of my comfort zone since I had moved to a new place with people I have never met before, I learned how to not be shy and make new friends, and more than anything I gained a new sense of responsibility and maturity and a want and need to succeed and take myself to the places I want to get to in my life.
The things that I have received out of my college experience was life long friends, knowledge of things that I didn't know before and independence. Before I came to college I was depressed and lonely, attending college help me meet new people, become more social and more friendly. I joined the fashion club and we put on the biggest fashion show that my college has ever seen. I found myself at college, I became a happier person at college. It is valuable to attend because it gives you independence and responsibility. Getting your degree is essential in this world if you want to get ahead in life. So while I am in a 2 year college, when I graduate I plan on going to a 4 year college to get my Bachelor's degree. College is just the ultimate living and learning experience that I wouldn't trade for the world.
I've learned how to manage my time and be responsibel as well as planning ahead. I learned to interact with others with different views , accept and respect them. My college experiences will totally be major help for me in the future because to me it was example of how I'd actually be in the real world. Respecting others, volunteering and paying attention to details that was all important through this experience.
I have recently graduated with a certificate in Legal Assisting and I'm attempting to go to an online college to obtain an Associates or Bachlor degree in the same field. The experience I had from the traditional college was challenging & rewarding. I had the opportunity to meet new friends & social networks that will carry me a lifetime. I hope I will find the same from an online college, but never having attended it is hard for me to say at this time. I have always dreamed of having a degree. Until now, I never thought it was possible. I'm a divorced, disabled mom with 2 of my 4 children still at home. I have overcome many obsticles to get where I am & I would love the opportunity to further my education.
I've learned how to be independent. I live in an apartment off campus, and I've learned to balance school with my personal life and hobbies. I've also learned so many things in my classes that have inspired me to research further on my own. If I hadn't gone to college and taken some of the writing classes I had, I wouldn't have decided that I want to go to grad school and continue my education. I've also met some of the most interesting people I know through college, and I'm sure I'll know my best friends at Georgia Southern for a long time after I graduate. Georgia Southern isn't perfect, but I'm glad for the opportunity to attend college at a reasonable price, and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
So far, I have learned that it is okay to playh as long as you can work. I have also learned that it is okay to rely on other people for assistance. I have learned that these next 4 years will be the best of my life.