If I were advising a parent or student as to the right college for them I would start with telling them to go with their heart. Choose the college they think will be best suited for them and where they will feel they will get the best education. As for making the most out of their college experience, I would tell them to just get involved. Whatever their interests are, whether it is academic or social, there is sure to be an organization for them. Getting involved around campus is the best way to meet new people and form long lasting friendships. Being involved around campus is also a great way to give back to the community they are living in. In short, I would advise them to choose a college where they will get the best education and make long lasting relationships with the people around them.
To parents, especially young parents, I would say really think ahead. If you want your kids to be able to go where they desire, you'll need to avoid uneccessary spending as they grow up. I wish I could have gone to a musical theatre school honestly but it wasn't in our price range.
To college students, start with core and get it out of the way, especially if you're doing music! Take out the core then start your major!
Go to a college that is recommended for your desired field of study. Do not go to a college because your friends are going there, etc. Go where your dream job could get you!
My adivce would be to go visit as many colleges that you're interested in as you can. I applied to two colleges and only visited one and thought I had fallen in love with it, but within a year and a half I realized that it wasn't the right choice for me. Take your time in deciding which college you want to go to. In the end, once you find your college, you will enjoy the rest of your college years.
Students should choose a school focusing more on the program that they intend to study. People who keep their priorities in line are more susceptible for success. I believe that any school can be a party school, but it is all about what you make of it. When you get on the campus, one of the best moves you can do to increase friendship, networking, and build a solid resume is get involved on campus. If a university does not have an organization that you are interested in, most of them make it so that you can create your own organization by just finding an advisor. Parents should know that it is okay to worry, but if you are confident in the upbringing of your child it is better to trust them to make their own decisions and 9 out of 10 times they will not disappoint you. Students should know that freshman year is the time to obtain your highest GPA as a foundation and statistics show that most people lose the Hope scholarship their first year and it is very hard to get back. Overall, college is a time to have fun, but not too much fun.
Do what you want to do, and don't listen to anybody except yourself.
When its time to choose the right college it really comes down to dollar and cents. Will you be able to afford this school? What finical aid options are available? What type of education will I receive for my money? How much debt will my parents or I be in? Once you have answered those four questions you list of colleges that you want to attend will narrow down. Then comes looking at the major you want and 3 possible alternates should you want to go back and change your mind. Does this college have other majors that my credits will be able to transfer to easily? By the time you getting looking at what your colleges have to off you will have a much smaller list. When you get down to you top 3 colleges start looking at what events you can get involved in out side of school, and the type of area that your school is located in. Most importantly choose the school that you will be happy to spend the next four years at.
before you go to college one must find where their passions are. Then one must search for a major that emphises that passion; so that that person can search for a college with that major. The major is the most important variable because what you learn in and outside the classroom will sink into you and you mindset and being will begin to be formed to your passion. Do not, by any means, go for friends, parties, or for your girlfriend/boyfriend; all those things change like the tide and will not stay the same. You will find yourself when you go to college because you will be alone, but you will love your independence.
All you have to judge your future with is your past and present, so use them and do not worry about tomarrow for tomarrow has it's own worries.
The best way to find the right school is to first make a list of all the qualities you want in a college, and then go visit as many schools as you can. When listing the qualities of what you want in your college think about size, population, location, cost of tuition, cost of living in the area, distance from home, and most importantly available majors. Then you can go visit the schools that fit all or at least the majority of the qualities you want in a college. When you are there at the school investigate everything; including eating somewhere on campus, visiting the places to live both off and on campus, go into some of the academic buildings, exploring the non-academic activities, get information from the student suupport centers, and take a tour around the town that the campus is located in to see the places to eat and shop off campus. Most likely when you actually go to the different colleges and see them in person you will know which one is best.