Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


visit a few of your top college picks and attend the one that best fits your needs and academic interests


Don't settle to go to just any school, if you don't get accepted to the school you really wanted to go. Research the school of your choice very thorough and visit the campus before making your decision.


Visit the campus, a student must feel comfortable in their surroundings if they plan to spend a successful four years there. Most kids that stay in state can always find friends with older siblings that may attend the college they are thinking about. I reccomend sitting down and asking questions more about the overall experience, because until you go to college, you really have no idea!


The right college isn't always the most popular or the most expensive. The right college is one that will open you up to new experiences and new people, and its also one that fits your personality. There are so many different universities, that the only way to pick one out is to go and visit. Getting the feel of the institution is the best way to figure out if it is for you or not. Most colleges have an open house where you are able to see the campus, meet faculty members, and current students. I went to quite a few events that were hosted by the school I decided to attend, and that's what sold me. The faculty were encouraging and the students that I met were extremely outgoing and were proud that they attend Georgia Southern University.


I would tell them to not only research thoroughly but to make visits to as many campuses as you can! A college campus can really make or break a decision about attending a school. Also, you should dive into college head first with a positive outlook and attitude; versatility is a good quality, and if you don't possess it now, college is definitely a place to start! Don't take too many classes your first semester, and make a point to attempt studying, at least a little bit! College is a place to meet life-long friends who bevome your family away from home. Pick one or two things to get involved in so that you can meet new people and build up that resume! Most importanly, have fun, but don't get too crazy!!


The best advice I can give to anyone trying to make college choices is to not be afraid to take chances, or make mistakes. Students don?t realize that you don?t have to go to a 4-year university right away. In fact, many families can?t afford their children's dream schools, unless the student receives amazing financial aid. My family couldn?t afford my first choice school which led me to my first mistake. I settled for a more affordable school that I had no interest in, instead of taking time off to discover other options that satisfied both of us. So I took a risk, and went to the more affordable school, and pretty much hated it. But going taught me and my family many lessons, and turned out to be rewarding as I met some amazing people. Plus, the experience really helped me focus on what I truly want out of college. And most importantly, it led me to my current school, which I love, even though it wasn?t on my original list of schools. Sometimes mistakes lead us to great solutions that end up being better for us than our original plan.


Study hard, party hard, don't hold back


Make sure the size of the school accomodates your needs. If you need or want smaller class sizes, make sure your school offers that. Health Centers on campus are a great ammentity to have.


i would make sure they allow the studen to tour all of the school and get a feel for them finding the right fit is important to how the student will do there.


My first piece of advice would be to carefully consider your financial situation prior to making a decision. I chose to attend a school in Tennessee on a swimming scholarship, and while I enjoyed the experience it set me back financially and I was forced to transfer closer to home. While the financial impact of my decision to go out of state for college was significant, I would also encourage high school seniors to move out of their parents house even if they are attending a school close to home. Once you get out on your own you have a chance to really figure out who you are and what is really important to you. Personally, I was very anxious to move out, and while I still enjoy visiting home I have learned so much out on my own. College is an exciting time, and choosing the right school will make a world to difference in your life. That said, you will make mistakes but the key is to learn from them and become a better person because of the trails you face.