The advice I would give parents and/or students would be to choose a college based on your intended major, not because of the friends that are going to that school. Your friends may not always be there for you. I would also tell them to use the sources that are provided. At Georgia Southern we have a writing center, academic success center, and free tutoring sessions. They are very helpful and if you get help as soon as you need it, it will pay off.
Think about what you want to do, not what others pressure you to do. Find that out, and pursue it! Study hard and enjoy yourself, and you will succeed!
To parents, I would make sure they encourage their student to give college a sincere thought. Students typically only consider college because their parents force them too. College/Continued education should be a personal choice based on the students decision for higher learning. Parents should also encourage the student to look into other options in the event that college does not suit the person.
To students, I would help them understand that though college may not be for everyone, it should be looked into. The proper school is/should be chosen based off of personal interests and expert abilities. Finances should also be considered when looking into a colllege. Once the student gets to college, they should look into volunteer work, or maybe even a job. Any activity other than just classes is a good way to keep the stress levels down and keep the student from being burnt out. If college is really "the days of our lives" we should make the most of it. Good grades are excellent, but they mean nothing if you're too burnt out to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
It's all about meeting new people and trying new things. Never be afraid to take that first leap.
Find the college that fits your wants and needs. Don't go to a college just because it seems to be the new fad or trend, go for the education and job opportunities after graduation. Also, don't sulk in your room if you have a bad day, stay focused on your school work and take a break every now and then to keep your mind fresh. Find somewhere quiet to study and don't cram at the last minute. Set aside time every day to study for specific subjects, no one makes good grades or keeps permanent information by studying at the last minute.
Pick a school that has the activites that you want to be involved in and that has what you want to major in. Have fun and stay focused!
Pick a college that will provide the maximum amount of education for your field. Never choose a college that is just popular or for parties and fun.
You should look for the school that is going to meet all of your needs and ultimately get you to where you're going in life. Make sure to look into all aspects of the school. Once you make your decision, don't forget to diversify. Find activities and people to get involved with. Make friends but don't forget that school is the number one priority. Study hard, get help if you need it and you'll succeed.
I would suggest looking at a variety of schools and visiting those schools to make sure the atmosphere is something you will be happy with.
I think the biggest thing ot think about is the atomosphere. If you don't feel comfortable instantly it is definently not the place for you. For parents I want to say do NOT pressure your children into going to the school you went to. It is their college experience, so let them decide what they are comfortable with. Be it a small community school or a large state university.