Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


In choosing the best college, it is always best to visit the college campus and ask a myriad of questions from the dining halls to the medical center on campus. Always make sure you are getting enough "bang for your buck" as well especially when it comes to life in the classroom, extra-curricular activities, and social climate. As far as making the most of the college experience, my advice to you is to go to almost every event that your resident hall or college plans. It's a great way to get out there and meet new people as well as forming the base for networking. Another way to meet people are club and intermural sports. Find something that you've wanted to try and just didn't have time for or go with a sport that you love. The best piece of advice to get the most out of college is to get out the dorm room; have fun, these four (or five) years are the best of your life and they will go by fast, so take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy them.


I would say that you have to visit the college before deciding you want to go there. I would tell the parents not to pressure their kids in picking a certain school, because the kid has to go their for the next four years of their life, so they to want to go there.


Make sure to go on college visits and ask lots of questions. Getting involved is the best way to enjoy you college expierence!


Parents should not only look for a strong academic institution, but also listen to their children. Students should look for a place that offers experiences that will expose them to some new things, but also a place where they fit in. College has taught me to open my mind and taught me responsibility. Students should also follow their heart and go with their gut feeling about a school.


College is an experience that you or your child should want. As much as it may pain you, if you do not feel excited and anxious about going to college, you may not do well and may be very unhappy. Parents: Please understand that this is your child's life. Do not push any particular major on your child--let them choose their own course. Let them make their life decisions. Please let your child grow up--you'd be amazed how well they can do if only given the opportunity. Students: As corny as it sounds, follow your heart. You are making an investment in your life, so put it in the area that means the most to you. Don't be afraid to change majors or even take out loans to stay in longer. Also, professors are one of the best resources you have, so make friends with them. Always do your best and never be afraid to ask for help. Try to learn the material not for the test but for your own betterment. Trust that any college you choose can be good for you so long as you try in school, social life, and overall happiness.


Go with friends...


I would suggest to visit the campus many times. Try the food in the careteria before buying a meal plan, because you could be wasting money. Make sure you look at the different places to live. Do all of these things at many different Universities. By looking at all these things at many different places you can compare the qualities and the dissatisfactions with the different Univeristies. Go with the university with the least dissatisfations and the biggest qualities that you want in a college. When you are accepted go to as many social events as possible these will be the best experiences in your college career because you can meet so many people. Also make sure you always go to class, believe me teachers will notice when you are not there. And make sure you get to know all your professors, because you never know when you will need their help later. If you get the chance to study abroad, do it. It is the best experience you will ever have. Last but definitely not least, have as much fun as possible, live it up you will never have a chance like this again.


go visit the college and talk to regular students and get they're first hand experiences


Find something that fits your life. Try to decide what you want to major in and find the school who has the best program. Don't try to be somebody you're not, always be yourself. Work hard, study hard; it will pay off in the end. It only takes 4 years to get thru' college, so buckle down and get it done!


Always visit a college before you go. Once you are in college, if you see anything on campus that interests you in the least, do it. You never know what might happen and what doors you could open if you try something new. College is all about trying new things, so I encourage you to TRY.