Research, Research, Research is a key factor in finding the right school. Look at the schools webpage go visit the campus for more than one day. Adventure and explore new ideas, people, and places dont be affriad to express your own personal opinion.
Visit every place that you are considering. While on that campus, talk to the students. Do not take all the advice and information from the tour guides. These are students that are either paid or receiving extra credit... they want you to think the excperience is great. Do what makes you happy. Do NOT follow boyfriends or best friends to the college of their choice; if your relationship can't last long distance then its not worth traveling for! SAVE YOUR GRADUATION MONEY! Do not blow it the first week in school; you will be sad as a poor junior. MAKE NEW FRIENDS! You can't expect people to put themselves out there if you don't. Ask older students what they like about their college. Really know what you are looking for and know who you are.
I would tell them really look at the schools, go and visit get a feel for the school. You can look at all the pictures you want but you'll never know if you'll like being there untill you go there.
I would advise parents to not force incoming students to pick a school based on affordability. I know it is easy to have few options when considering costs, especially in the economy now. However, students really need to find a school that closely represents America. By that, find a school that encourages the "melting-pot" effect. I believe it truly has a positive impact on students when they attend a diverse campus. When faculty, staff and students represent diversity, the experience will be worthwhile. I would also advise students to take advantage of what the campus and community has to offer. There are schools that have plenty events held on and off campus, and students just don't take advantage of all the opportunities. Lastly, students need to participate in an internship. When you have an internship under your belt, employers take you more serious and realize you really care about your future. Grades alone will not teach anyone how to do a job. Also, when you surround yourself with positive and motivated students, it is very hard to slack off and become a another drop-out. Stay focused, and put your mind to it!
Make sure you provide your kids with lots of opportunites. Go vist lots of colleges and make sure they find the right fit! It does really affect the outcome of their college experiance.
Make sure you are aware of the success rate of first year students at the school. Ask around to other parents and students to see how they personally feel about the school rather than the paid employees of the college or university. Be well aware of the surroundings of the campus and think of how they will accomodate the lifestyle you are used to. Also, if living on campus in the dorms or in an off-campus apartment, look at ammenities, prices, and locality to the campus. Many schools have rules about parking passes, and parking is not always cheap but can be convenient as far as timing goes. The most important things are to make sure paperwork is completed EARLY, in case of complications, and to stay focused on graduating. Try not to pack too much into your first semester, socializing is important, controlled doses. The feeling of freedom may be nice to a student, but sleeping in and staying up late might become a habit if you are not careful. All in all, remember to relax and enjoy your major, there are always opportunities for changes if you find a better fit for you.
pick a place where you know you can focus not party
Parents should allow their child to make personal decisions on where to attend college. Everything the parent does from birth to high school graduation should have prepared their child for college. Send your child to a place where they can feel comfortable and not just a number. Sit down to compare and contrast top universities because in my case GSU has some of the same fellowships, accreditations, grants and recognized programs that may rival other well known schools. During their child's sophomore year visit schools on their list during open house, homecoming week, or other major events because it gives the student a better feel for the day to day happenings of an institution. Definitely look at the financial situation of the future because we now live in unstable times where financial panic and economic fear are ever present in our minds. Always consider what could happen tomorrow, could your child still attend school if a scholarship/ financial aid was lost? Lastly, my biggest piece of advice is to pay your money at an institution that suits you: success should not be measure by the name of your school but rather the name you make for yourself.
Make sure the school that you choose is right for you. Don't let anyone influence your decision. It is extremely important for your success if you attend the right school. And dont forget that the most important things to do is be yourself, get involved, and STUDY!
Just make sure that you go to a college that you would like to. Not just because someone else wants you to attend it. Also know what you're looking for in a college.