Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


I would advise students to take colege tours, during class hours so they can get e feel for the campus and see the amount of students on campus during the day. I would tell the parents to let their son/daughter choose the college they want to attend. Once the students arrive at college they should get involved aound campus, thats the easiest way to make friends if they are shy.


Don't allow your child to base his/her college choices on where their friends will be! Anywhere you decide to go, you'll make many wonderful new friends! When you do get to college, don't hold back! Show people who you really are, not who you tried to hide in high school because of the fear of rumors flying about you. This is college! No one cares if you were the homecoming queen or the quarterback of your high school, or if you were a "nerd." They care about who you are now and you will find people who are just like you that could become life-long friends! I've heard a quote many times that describes my college experience to a "T"! You don't go to college to meet your future husband! You go to meet your bridesmaids!!!


I would advise them to look for traits that they prefer. Do not go to a college because your friends are going there. Find the classroom size that you feel comfortable learning in. Meet some of the professors and see if you like them and their philosophies. Visit the sorority houses and find out about organizations that you can join. Most importantly, visit multiple schools before choosing one. See which one makes you feel and home. Pick the school that you can imagine being at. Also, give a school more than one semester. It is hard to adjust to college life. The first semester is hard for everyone. Give yourself time to find friends and feel comfortable where you are.


I would adise students to keep an open mind when going into school and to also get very active on campus. Being active on campus opens you up to a world of new opportunities and also looks good on a resume. Also, ATTEND CLASS. There is a big difference among students who fail class because they don't attend and those who pass because they do go to class. Talk to your professor and go to their office hours so that way you establish a relationship with the professor. For parents, keep your relationship with your children open. Know that you have done your best in providing them with everything they need to go out into the world and make smart responsible choices. Also, when returning home for the holidays, there is an adjustment period just as there is when the kid goes off to college.


If your looking for a college, look first for a college that you will enjoy attending. You have to have things around you that compliment who you are and what you do. Also, look for the best value for you education. It isn't always the most expensive college that will give you the best education. Consider your major that your looking forward to going into because you can get a degree for a better price at a different school. To make the most of your college, you need to make sure you balance your time well with school and also some personal interest that keep you happy with where you attend school. There is nothing worse than going to school where you don't enjoy the people your around. Get out and find who you are and what you like so you can make the most of college and jump into life with a positive and hopefull attitude.


In order to find the right college make sure you at least apply to three or more school and when the university has open house be sure to attend. By going to open house you get to tour the campus and know a brief history of the university then you can see if this is what you would like to attend for four or more years. Once you go and view the campus also check out the envirnoment of the town or city to see if you can fit in there. To make the most out of college make at least one or more friends in each class, but make sure you properly pick your friends and not join in the wrong crowds because some friends can be deceiving. Also in enjoy the college life while you can but don't get sucked into the social life, it's school then it's social time.


The most helpful advice I can offer to the student is to not let financial matters dictate and limit their selection. Of course, with the uncertainty of the direction of America?s economy, cost should be a factor however it should not keep the student who dreams of attending a four- year university stuck at a two-year college. Do not underestimate the importance of having comfort in your surroundings. It can truly make all the difference. The student must understand that the university that they choose to attend will be the environment in which they make the transition into adulthood. College is the fast lane on the highway to self-realization, they will learn so much about themselves and who they want to be as an individual, which is why a majority of students change majors several times throughout their college career. Change is inevitable, in order to make the most out of the college experience you must not view change as an inconvenience but as an opportunity to become skilled at adaptation, a necessary ability in the ''real world".


For finding the college that fits you best, I would reccommend first making a list of the top 3 most important things to you about the campus (food, ousing, size, etc.) Then make campus visits to the schools your are considering, and once you have your list of schools narrowed down to two to three schools, you should reevaluate your list and see which school offers the best of what you want. To make the most of your college experience, I would reccommend getting involved on campus with various groups and extra-curricular activities, because it not only allows you to meet new people and increase your network of friends, but it also allows you get practice at managing your time between social and academic activites.


The right college is the one where you step foot on campus, take one look around and immediently feel at home. That's what happened with me and Georgia Southern. I felt like I wouldn't be happy anywhere else. It was the only place I applied to and I want to even stay here for my graduate degree. I love the people and the instructors and that's what you need to look for. Somewhere you can call home.


If I could do one thing over it would have been to get more involved my freshman year, it is much harder. Also, I think it is imperative that as a freshman, students live on campus. I met many people in my dorm that I am still friends with and I wouldn't take back one second of living in the dorm.