Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


You definitely need to explore your options and make sure you find the right college. Visiting the school and actually setting foot on the campus gives you a definite feel on whether or not it's right for you. Once you decide on your school, it is important to study and make the most of your education. You don't want to waste that money! But also make sure you leave some tiem for social endeavors; after all, college is also about growing up and experiencing life!


When picking a college, it's important the student know themselves. I began at a community college because I came from a rural area and knew I needed a smaller transition than being thrown into a univeristy with over 10,000 students. It's also important to get involved somehow- be it activities, church, or greek life. Most importantly, the student has to know that college isn't all about fun- that they have to focus on their school work in order not toblow time and money. College is what you make of it- if you party all the time and lay out of classes, your GPA will reflect; if you have fun and do the work, you will have an experience you will be happy with and the degree to match. I am pleased with what I made of my college experience and hope others will be too!


Somne advive i can give some students is choose a college that best fixes you and not what school you think has the most parties. For the parents, let the child choose his/her school and not you, because thats what makes them what to quit.


My advice for choosing a college is to not only look at how great the academics are, but also look at the environment. Look to see how many businesses are around and restaurants. This is important for finding a job. The student is going to need to work especially with the way the economy is and the way money runs scarce throughout families. It's hard living on your own with no help from family members with expenses of being an adult. To make the experience of being a college student, I would choose a nice college owned dorm and stay there at least for your first year. I feel like that was the best choice for me as a first year student. It's a lot easier when you are trying to figure everything out and a lot cheaper when all you have to do is walk to class instead of burning the gas to drive.


Attending college of such an important decision to make and it's important to find the right fit. It's important to make college visits during your junior and senior year of high school and get a feel for several different colleges. I learned the importance of having many options, when my first choice didn't accept me. For me, this was a blessing in disguise. I now realize that had I attended my first choice, I may not have been as satisfied as I am now. Because I had visited and applied to several colleges, I had other options to consider. My second choice has turned out to be the perfect fit for my education. It's important to find the right fit for college, not only in academics, but also in life style. Research the extracurricular and intramural activities that are available at the school . Being away from home for the first time can be hard, and many times these activities are a great way to meet others. This is an exciting time in our lives, and the right place can make all the difference.


I would tell the students to go where your heart tells you to go, don't just go to a college because your parents, friends or teachers try to persuade you to go! If you pick a college because that is truly where you want to be you will get so much more out of the experience. Also, studying is a very important part of college. It is important to make the grade and try your hardest! But it is also important to make friends and get involved in on campus activites and clubs! MAKE FRIENDS! As for the parents I would tell them to be there for their child but let him/her grow! If they want to go away to college that is perfectly okay, they are growing! Just be there for them in their every choice and do not try to persuade them to make a choice because of what YOU want them to do! And to the student and parent, enjoy this time in your life, its the best and you will NEVER get it back!


My advice, first to parents, would be to try and be open-minded and accept your child's decision about where they want to attend college. Try to talk to them and find out their reasoning behind why they have chose the college they have. And remember, just because you like a certain school does not mean that your child will. This is their opportunity to take advantage of this college experience that could possibly determine much of their life for the future. To students, I would say that you should strongly research and consider your options. Do not choose a college for someone else, but for you. This is your decision and if there are no restraints go for what you believe is the best decision for you. No matter what your decision is, remember that you go to college to learn first, then the social life follows. Involvement is extremely helpful and school spirit is a must!! To parents and students as one, try to comprimise and sit down together and discuss your options and reasonings. Remember, try to be rational and accepting of each other's views and decisions. Good Luck and Best Wishes!!


Go somewhere where you believe you will feel comfortable and have the ability to succeed. Do not go somewhere just because your friends are going there or because you like the part scene. Let desires like those be a secondary reason to attend a school. To make the most of your college career, remember you are there for a learning experience and to gain knowledge. But still, do not forget to have fun. College is one of the best times in a person's life. But you have to remember that school come first and party comes second.


I would suggest that sudents stay close to home but far enough to feel somewhat indepentdant (unless the school that best fits your major is not close.) This makes for a very smooth transition from high school to college and will allow you to go back home (if you want) without having to stress over the long drive (or flight) alone. In my personal experience, I have found that being closer to home makes life a lot less stressful because although you want to feel independant and on-your-own, the fact is, you really are not. You need your parents to help you make wise decisions and even to share their personal experience. This is the very reaosn why I transferred schools and I don't regret my decision at all. Moving forward, the number one tip I would give to any student aspiring to mke the most of the college experince is to get involved and try new things because you will meet such a wide variety of people that each have something different to offer. Morever, it will help you to gain a greater apprecition for those who may be racially, culturally, or religiously different from you.


Don't let your friends, your family, or your boyfriend decide what's right for you. Go with your gut and pick the school that you think suits you best because in the end whho knows you better than yourself?