If I could go back into time I would prepare better, college is nowhere near like High School. In High School teachers didn't really care what you did, they gave you loads of time to complete an assignment, and even if you completed it late you could still turn it in. Well, in college professors don't baby you, it's your responsibility to complete something and turn it in. I had to wake up really fast from my dream of college being a breeze walk in the park. I would also give myself the advice of seek help at all cost, get used to going to teachers for help, because in college if you don't understand something you can't just guess and hope to get it right. In college, if you are having trouble with a subject in lecture, you have to go to the office hours, and truth is the really work. College isn't just a place away from home, I also learned that even though I wished to get out of the house, I am a little homesick sometimes. So I would advise myself not to rush things, just let it happen.
I would tell myself to go to the library every day after classes to do my studying and homework. That way, I wouldn't have the temptations of social life take me away from the real purpose of going to college. I would tell myself to really analize what it is I want to study and what career fields I am interested in so that I get into the right classes early in college. I would tell myself to be aggressive in finding a part-time job to help pay for college costs and keep me busy when not in class. I would tell myself to be aware of the pitfalls that take away from studying and to be a good manager of my time.
When I opened my acceptance letter from Auburn University, I knew that is where I needed to be. Unfortunately, my family did not have the money to spend to send me out of state. If I could go back now, I would have applied for scholarships and put the effort to show my family Auburn is where I want to be, as apposed to settling for a school I never really wanted to go to. I would go back and study the nights I wanted to be social, because back then, I was in the mind frame of ?living in the moment? as opposed to how these decisions would affect me. I would study more and not put so much time and effort into my high school relationship that eventually ended anyways. I would have been more studious and actually listened to the advice my parents gave me. I regret wanting to be so far away from home, because I know now that family is the only thing you can lean on when times get rough. If I could go back now, I would have stopped living in the moment and started living for my future.
I would keep focused on my GPA and develop alot of different study habits. I would also start preparing myself for
living away from family. I would depend on making decisions that would carry on to large campus life. I would focus on
money management and not depend on parents to remind me of issues to look for in a positive way.
I would do more soul searching in the areas of being career minded. Don"t assume that your family can always be there to
remind you of what the next step needs to be. THINK FOR YOURSELF.
Knowing now about the transition from high school to college, there are some pieces of advice I would give to myself as a high school senior. One thing would be to take the SAT and ACT more seriously, meaning taking more time to study & going to study groups. Besides needing it for the entrance requirements to colleges, it is used for many scholarship opportunities. Even now as a current second semester freshman, scholarships and honor societies are still asking for my SAT and ACT scores. Having a higher score would of allowed me to get into Phi Chi, a psychology honor society, which would of given me more experience in the field of psychology and something else to make me stand out in the job market.
I would of also let myself know that getting involved in clubs and organizations and creating leadership opportunities are extremely important. Not only does it help establish your new social life, it gives you chances that are only available during your time in college. It helps you grow as a person and learn more about yourself. Getting involved in these organization will also help you network and open doors to possible internships.
I would tell myself to control my time a little better. In hindsight, I realize I could have gotten better grades if I had applied myself better, by not wasting time, not procrastinating, and by keeping organized. Also, I would tell myself how important it is to study before and after class, to read ahead and to always review, because, when it comes to the test I will have a very hard time studying.
Dear Leslie,
Look at you, a successful high school senior getting all excited about college next fall. Let me give you some pointers though before you get the wrong idea about school?
First, don?t believe all the hype. Everyone makes it sound like college is SO crazy and everything is so out of control. Everything will seem strange at first, and you may feel lonely some days, but through it all you?ll make it.
Secondly, everything you turn in should be your masterpiece. Don?t assume that because a professor says he will grade easily, he will. Nine times out of ten, he won?t. Also, just because you CAN skip doesn?t mean you SHOULD. Missed days will catch up to you.
And finally, buy an umbrella, tennis shoes, sweat pants, and yes, even a book bag. You may not wear any of this now, but you will be thankful to have it when classes begin. Class is not a fashion show like it sometimes could be in high school, so don?t worry much about what you wear. Transform that energy into making yourself look approachable and prepared. These traits are more respected here.
Good luck!
If I had the chance to go back and speak to myself as a high school senior, the first thing I would tell myself, is to go visit several different colleges and universities. My high school counselor gave me this advice and I am glad that I listened. As you are growing up, you have this plan about where you want to attend. Usually a school that has a great football team, or one that is popular with everyone around you. I always said that I wanted to go to University of Georgia. Thanks to my counselor, I visted several other schools in my state. If I had not done this, I would not be as happy as I am in my college life. After seeing all of the schools, Georgia Southern fit my needs and matched my personality perfectly. I could not be happier. The hustle and bustle, larger crowds, and busier lifestyle of University of Georgia was not me at all. So, therefore I would tell myself this wonderful advice, just in case I didn't have such a thoughtful counselor to give me the advice again. It has definately made all the difference in my college career.
If I could go back and give myself some advice about college life and making that huge transition, there would be two main things I would say. The first piece of advice I would give myself would be to take advantage of any scholarships available to you, because it takes plenty of money to go through college and to get the necessities you will need throughout the school year. The second piece of advice I would give myself would be to get involved as much as possible the first week of school and meet as many new friends as you can. This would be the advice I would give myself. They may be simple, but they will get you so far.
I would tell myself that i made the right decision in picking Georgia Southern University, i love the atmosphere and all of the oppertunities to join and be in organizations. Although i would tell myself that i should have buckeled down and studied harder, because the course work can get away from you, if you do not have a detailed stuy plan.