To the parents and/or students looking for the right college and seeking to make the most of the college experience: Research all the colleges and universities that are in the interest of the student's major and/or career path. Once you find the ones you like, take into considersation, cost, housing, parking, distance from home, and the student life. Also, make sure to pick you roommates wisely, you're going to be LIVING with them. Bring tons of food! Trust me you'll need it. Make sure you apply for scholarships and fill out all the financial aid paper work required for you school. Parents, you obviously rised a good kid because they're going to college. Congratulations! So don't worry too much, stay in their lives, but don't call every hour making sure their alright. Besides, you wouldn't want to transfer anymore stress to your college graduate to be. Student to be, I know you're excited and you should be. You're going to college! Tip: Save the partying for the weekend.. TRUST ME. And most importantly, have fun! It's a new part of YOUR life, so enjoy it!
Please make sure to spend several days and nights at all potential schools. This should include weekdays and non-game weekends. Also, is well worth the money so use it to check out the professors. If you don't get into your first choice, plan your classes around a transfer with the help of the websites of both schools. Look into CLEP tests. Do NOT follow anyone to a school. Do not choose based on football teams.
Taking the timeto research as many colleges online as possible then narrowing it down to about ten choices and going to visit those campuses and spending a weekend there if possible to see as much of the area as possible. In order to make the best of a college experience, get involved!! Start signing up for different activities as soon as you can to start meeting people and learning different things you may or may not end up liking.
College Tours. Make sure to visit as many colleges as you can to determine which one is right for your son and daughter and also which one can give your child the best education available. Don't worry about cost; there are scholorships, grants and loans for that, and don't try to keep them as close to home. It will benefit them in the long run. Also, study abroad, interships, clubs, and organizations; many employers like to see what your child has done besides just going to class. A high GPA is nice, but experience is even nicer.
I would advise for a prosepective student to visit the university and try to talk to any friends or people who attend that university to try and gain a sense of what it is like to attend school there. I would suggest that the student realy sit down and try and visualize themselves at that school to mak e sure they would be happy there. Once the decision is made I would tell the student to embrace the experience with open arms. Go out and try new things, try and meet new people and just to make the most of the experience. Also, to remember to study and stay on top of your school work. Even just a little bit of time at everyday or night will make a huge difference, parties are always there but an F sticks with you forever.
To make the most of your college experience, choose a school that you feel comfortable at. Take tours. Research the curriculum. ATTEND CLASSES ON A REGULAR BASIS!! Dont choose a school because all of your friends are going there in the fall, pick one that you are interested in and at the same time that has your major! Attend at least 3 cultural events during your freshman year. making the most of your experience is totally up to you. Find what suits you the best and do it!! Good luck!!
I believe that it is imperative for students and their parents to visit many different colleges. When looking at schools, they need to imagine themselves there -- what kind of housing does the school offer, do students stay on campus on the weekends, what can i do to get involved, how easily can i make friends, and can this school help me financially?
The student needs to research several schools without limiting himself/herself. Take tours of different schools and ask variety of questions about what makes the college unique and how students at the school academically thrive. The student and parent also must know it is extremely important to meet with the deparment of the major he/she thinks they will want to pursue. This way, they can have an inside look to how classes are set up, run, and the standards the professors hold the students to. I believe that the student also needs to take a deep look into him or herself to find out what school would help make him/her the most well rounded and knowledgeable person. This includes the town, the school's activities, and organizations to get involved with. Find a school that will help you thrive and succeed, but also find a school that you can become involved in to help yourself become a better, more educated person in the field of study you would like to pursue.
Go out and tour the school. Let the student go out with friends around that area. See what events and activities are aviable when going to school. Most importantly do your best to save money and get your grades up where you dont have to work constantly while your going through school.
Study hard and GET INVOLVED!