Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia Southern University know before they start?


Finding the right college is hard. There are big and small schools in different size towns. Each school offers different extra-ciricular activities, housing options, and faculty to student ratio. Colleges are even run differently. Some focus on research, while others focus on expansion. The best advise I could give to a student is visit any college you want to attend. Colleges can fool you. Even though the college might seem inviting and a perfect fit for you online, it could be completely the opposite in real life. When you visit a college, you get the feeling of what it would be like to be a student at that institution. You can visualize if this college is a good fit for you. When you find the right college, you just know it is meant for you. It is a funny feeling, but I promise you will feel it while you venture through various institutions.


Go on many campus tours and the student usually can tell where they would fit in best. To make the most of the experience students should get involved on campus, it is a great way to meet people.


Don't choose the college you think you SHOULD go to, but rather pick the college you feel at home at. Remember, It's going to be your home for at least four years, so pick a place that is comfortable to you, that will also allow you to get the full potential out of your studies. If you want to make footprints in the sand, quit dragging your feet!


For any school that you consider attending, you should be able and williing to take a visit to the campus so you can get a feel for it and talk to people so that you'll know what to expect. This allows you to interact with the people and find your way around the campus if you should choose to ultimately attend that school. As there are advantages and disadvantages in finding the perfect school, you should stick to those values that are important to you and seek schools that support those values. Also important is the financial obligation of attending certain schools. You should only consider attending a school that fits your budget or that offers scholarships and other financial aid that will help fund your college education. Students and/or parents should also look into out-of-state schools, even though they cost more. This is important because attending an out-of-state school can help a student become more independent by allowing them the freedom to find themselves and deal with situations as they come.


Georgia Southern is a very safe, and secure campus. There is 24 hour security and automatic lights for when you are walking on campus at night.


The most important thing I could say is that pick a campus that you enjoy. It is important to enjoy your time on campus because you will spend a LOT of time there. I also suggest that you should look for a school that offers a great variety of programs and activities to do when you aren't in class. These opportunities could later on help you find a job. While in college the most important thing I can tell you is to talk to your professors!! This is something that seems small but could help you if you are right in between an A or B. If you know the professor and he/she knows that you are working hard then he/she might push your grade from a high B to a low A. GO TO CLASS!! This may seem simple now but if you have a class with no attendence policy it is really hard to make yourself go towards the end of the semester. But you can miss many important things by not going to class. So my tips: Choose a school that has a campus you like, talk to the professors, and GO TO CLASS!


The advice I would give to parents would be to let your children choose the college they wish to go to. As long as it is a college that you approve of, it is best to let them decide because overall, that is what matters. For the students, the advice I would give would be to go look at all of the campuses and schools that you are thinking about attending. There are many schools out there and if you look at all of them, you will find the one that is right for you.


Visit as many colleges as you can. You never know where you might end up!


Take it seriously! Sure, college is definitely fun, but one must keep in mind that what you do here will almost certainly define who you become. College is the time and place to make lifelong friends, learn valuable skills, and above all, find yourself.


visit, visit, visit, you must see the campus, just go and sit on a bench for a while, hang out in the library for a while, go to the student center or student union