When trying to find the right college consider the area, the graduation rate, what percentage of people get a job after graduation, what is the average salary of someone that graduates from that college. Make sure they offer their major and do some research and find out the classes that are required for them to graduate. Find out what is the percentage of students that graduate on time. Make SURE you tour the campus to get a feel of where your child will be getting their education. Ask about any additional required test and find out about transportation and housing. Find out about a list of clubs and ways of getting your child involved on campus. Do they offer tutors in various subjects? How is the internet access? How big are the classes and will your child have a choice in the size of class the want? Nothing is better than a personal opinion, so if allowed the chance to visit the campus, give your child the chance to interact with students that attend the school and ask their opinion on their likes and dislikes of the school. Also check out the community and the local establishments in the area.
College is not all about the classes you take it is also about the life experiences you gain.
When trying to find the right college, make sure parents and students work together to find what is best for both. Find a school that is strong academically, as well as having a small student/teacher ratio so you get one on one time with your professor. Find not the cheapest school, but the school where you get your most experience per dollar. If you don't enjoy something at the school that you are interested in doing, you probably should look elsewhere. Apply to several schools and weigh the options.
Tour them all. Be open to all different kinds of campuses and when you find the right one, tell your parents. Parents, let your kids have some freedom in deciding. Don't pressure them saying "This is beautiful, look at that they have one of those, well maybe you shouldn't because they offer this, etc." Just because it isn't your dream campus does not mean it isn't theirs. Be open to big and little schools. I thought I wanted to go to UGA but I toured Georgia Southern and knew that is where I wanted to go, end of story. Don't be disappointed if you don't get into the honors program, It leaves you more oportunities for classes. Enjoy it is the one thing I can say above everything. Enjoy everything no matter where you go.
When looking for a college, pick the one that makes you feel most at home. dont worry so much about the money becuase there will always be a way. to do best in college you have to enjoy the place your at or else you wont have the motavation to well when times get hard
College is a wonderful time in a high school graduate's life. It is a time of self-discovery and enlightenment. It is a time of learning and challenges. It is a time when young people from all walks of life come together, to this university, for the enrichment of eduation. The opportunities available to students is staggereing, but you have to know what to specifically look for in a university. Some important things that future students and thier parents should look for in a university are the number of students, average classroom size, local businesses, and recreational amenities provided by the university. It is very difficult to put a price on education because it is with you for your whole life, and no one can take it away from you.
I think that everyone should go and visit several different schools, with their parents, and with friends. I think that you should know what the campus atmosphere is like and what the social aspects of the college are like. Once you get to college I think that you should get involved in as many things as you can. I have seen too many people not get involved and hate school. Getting involved not only provides a way for you to meet other students but also is great for you resume. I think that parents should let their kids be free when they go to college and not bug them all the time. I have been very fortunate to have parents that call me when they need something but then let me do all the other calling, that way I feel that I am independent but still have my parents to go to for advice if I need them.
I would advise students and parents to start looking at colleges early, and to visit a lot of different campuses. It is important to know what a campus enviornment is like, and what the people are like before you decided to go there. The only school I applied to is the one I got in to, and now attend; I love it. But I would have never been able to be so sure about my decision if i didn't go visit the school first! There are a lot of different options for school in regards to price range, enducational value, student population, and many other variables. Just because you can't seem to find a school that has everything you want doesn't mean there isn't one out there; be persistant. Although reputation is imporant, you should never choose a school just based on that. It is more important that you are going to be happy, enjoy your education, and be able to make lasting relationships with friends. When you finally find the school that is right for you, you will know. Best of luck in your search!
i think that students needs to visit atleast five campuses and also apply to several schools. they should apply to both big school and small schools, schools in cities and schools in rural settings. they also need to look in financial aid and scholarships so that money does not become an issue of where they can and cannot attend college. i apply to a big out of state college as my first choice but i could not go because of money and sometimes i regret not doing everything i could have to make that happen. also when the student gets acceptance letters back they need to think over the options maybe revisit and make a choice!
For parents, I would encourage you to try and schedule as many college visits as you can for your child so they can really see different styles and personalities of college campuses. From big campuses to small ones and everything in between, because only your child knows what they want in a college career, and when they visit the right campus, they will know it. That's what happened with me at Georgia Southern, on my first visit I knew that I would be spending the next 4 years of my life here.
For students, once you select the right college for you, get involved immediatley. Every campus has hundreds of ways to get involved and that is the best way to meet people, and you need to meet people because your not in high school anymore where you see the same people all day every day. Most colleges have a club for EVERY hobby that you can imagine, so try clubs and student organizations. Also I would recomend going Greek, it is a great way to meet people that you'll be friends with for the rest of your life. Good luck in selecting the right college for you!