Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Iowa State University.


I find my classmates fun, outgoing, welcoming and friendly which is quite a change from growing up in Boston and it is fun to go to Iowa State University and learn about the Midwest.


My classmates are willing to reach out and create a family in the community around them.


Classmates are usually helpful, if you ask for it; if you don't ask, you probably won't get any help.


The students in my classes have very creative minds, they love to be able to grasp concepts fast, and are eager to learn.


My classmates are fairly easy to work with for the most part. They are ready to participate in class and are generally very kind people. I have met so many new people just in my classes because the people at Iowa State are so friendly. Your classmates might even become some of your best friends as you learn and study together.


They are very unique, who are trying to make their dream come to a reality.


My class has the highest enrollment ever here at ISU, but it doesn't feel that way. Each classmate is excited to be here and interested in you as a person. We're a very friendly bunch, from many backgrounds.


My classmates differ by classes. In some classes I have very intelligent students who try hard to get good grades. Other classes there are students who don't care about their grades and don't do the homework or even try in the class.


My classmates are friendly, helpful, and kind people who aren't afraid to answer your questions or work through a problem with you.


Most of them are nice and friendly. They try to interact in class.