Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Iowa State University is most known for it's highly regarded engineering programs. It also has one of the top 10 Architecture and Landscape Architecture programs in the country.


Iowa State University is best know for being one of the nation's most student-centered public research facilities. The school is located in the small town of Ames, Iowa which was listed in the top 10 "Best Places to Live," by CNNMoney in 2010. Sports are also a big deal here.


Veishea, tailgating, football, engineering, tradition


Where I am from (Texas) it is known for corn. Actually, the whole state of Iowa is known like that


Iowa State University is best known for the academic programs and professors.


Iowa State University is best known for being a great all-around. When I think of Iowa State, I think of a traditionaly college campus. Everyone at Iowa State is there to make sure that you succeed, both recieving your major and preparing you to be successful for the rest of your life. Iowa State is also known for getting students involved in its many clubs and other event. At Iowa State you will learn a lot and have a lot of fun doing it.


Iowa State University is best know for it College of Agriculture and College of Engineering. It is ranked among the top schools in the country.


Iowa State University is best known for their engineering and ag majors. What most people don't realize is that we also have many other really good majors. For instance, I am in the Biology program, and I have found that it is an excellent major at Iowa State. We're also known for our sports and Jack Trice Stadium and the Hilton Colliseum. This year, you could say that we're known for beating Iowa, Northern Iowa, and the then 5th ranked Oklahoma State in football.


We are well known for being a research-focused university with lots of school spirit! When I first arrived, I though all the school spirit was a little cheesy, but I realize that it's true. ISU is one of the best places around, and people deserve to know that!


Iowa State University is best known for their historical campus and amazing educators.