Kansas State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kansas State University.


I do not have much experiance with certain groups on campus, but i believe that the racial, religious, LGBT, socio-economic, etc groups, are all helping to unite our campus and promote diversity. I do not believe that any student should feel out of place on campus. There are plenty of groups and organizations to accomidate each and every student so that they feel involved and engaged with K-state life and campus. Most students wear t-shirts and sweat pants or t-shirts and jeans to class, given the time of day or the tempature that day. Many different types of student interact on campus here at K-state. Most K-state student are from Kansas either in a rural area or a city. I am not sure what financial background is most prevalent. I believe that many students are politically aware and active and do care about the politics of this country. Kansas has always been known to be more republican, However, I believe that K-state may also fit in that category, I also again believe that we have a very diverse population here at K-state that could believe differently. Some students do talk about what they wish to earn one day/ will earn one day, but that depends on the person.