K-State has a mixture of all kinds of students from different backgrounds. When it's dinner time and I'm looking for a table, I see all kinds of people sitting next to each other, regardless of different race, religion, social or academic standing. We may not have the most diverse student body but from what I can tell, everyone gets along with everybody no matter whom you are or where your from, as long as your willing to be a good friend.
K-State is mostly white and heterosexual, but that comes with the area. Kansas is pretty white and heterosexual too. However, for a town i central Kansas I think K-State is very diverse, at least a lot more diverse than where I came from. There are a lot of cliques at K-State. The Greeks, Aggies, Archis, Johnson County kids, Dorm kids, etc. Most students at K-State are from Kansas. There are quite a few from Johnson County in particular. Most kids are either middle or high class kids- not many underpriveleged kids are noticable. Politics wise- K-State is pretty divided. There are a lot of conservatives since it is Kansas, but there are also a lot of liberals since it is college and all. To class everyone wears whatever is most comfortable...sweats, shorts, hoodies, T-shirts (mostly purple ones). Some of the sorority girls pull out the heals and ugs but...that is ONLY the sorority girls.
Most of the student body is upper middle class and white. There are many different ethnicities also, just not in high numbers. There are a significant number of Indians (especially in research jobs around campus) and various Asian ethnicities who generally stick together. The majority of campus is just a preview of Kansas as a whole. Conservative, white, and bible thumpers. Moral Philosophy was lots of fun being the only open-minded, non-conformist present.
The student body is pretty diverse. The attire to class is everything from sweats to heals and skirts. There are people of every social class and every background. Students on campus are very involved, Greek life is big!!!
The student body at K-State is like Kansas--predominantly white, conservative, and middle-class. This does not mean that you cannot find very active liberal organizations or individuals or students from all over the world. Someone once told me that whatever I was looking for in college, I would find, and I have that to be true for myself and many others that I know.
For the most part i feel that the ksu campus is very diverse and that everyone is fairly accepting of everyone else. there are some stereotypes with all of the sororities and frats but that is to be expected and not a lot of people pay attention to them. No lie but for the most part the majority of the students just wear sweats or jeans and a t-shirt to class with hair up and no make-up for the girls and a hat for the guys, especially if its a morning class. And by morning i mean before noon not just the 8am classes.
In general, K-State is composed of a pretty good mix of people. A majority is white, rural Kansans, but K-State has a nice blend of international students too. Also, if you go to church, you won't have any trouble finding bible studies, worship services, etc. to attend.
I am a non tradtional adult student, so I do not have much to do with the campus when not attending class.