Kansas State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kansas State University.


Kansas State University is pretty conservative. There is not a tremendous amount of diversity here and the majority of student population is White. But there are many organizations that feature other cultures and races. Being African American and Pacific Islander at first I felt very out of place here. I would be one of maybe five or six Non-White students in all of my classes and found myself extremely uncomfortable at first. But as I started to meet new people and get to know these unfamiliar faces I became more than comfortable and at ease. They were very friendly and not as different as I pre-judged. This experience helped transform my worldview and allowed me to get out of my comfort zone. Another thing that helped was that there are many organizations that are specifically for minorities such as Black Student Union, Foreign Exchange Club, and other similar clubs. It was very easy to get involved and everyone was more than welcoming.Though many of the students come from wealthy families you will seldom meet one that doesn't have a job on or off campus. Students here are very driven and hard working so you may never know they are wealthy unless you ask which I liked because I felt it allowed us to be on somewhat of a level playing field. Every student claims to be "broke" and every student claims to be "working my ass off" which to me was comforting knowing we are all here working hard together.


Kansas State University is pretty conservative. There is not a tremendous amount of diversity here and the majority of student population is White. But there are many organizations that feature other cultures and races. Being African American and Pacific Islander at first I felt very out of place here. I would be one of maybe five or six Non-White students in all of my classes and found myself extremely uncomfortable at first. But as I started to meet new people and get to know these unfamiliar faces I became more than comfortable and at ease. They were very friendly and not as different as I pre-judged. This experience helped transform my worldview and allowed me to get out of my comfort zone. Another thing that helped was that there are many organizations that are specifically for minorities such as Black Student Union, Foreign Exchange Club, and other similar clubs. It was very easy to get involved and everyone was more than welcoming.Though many of the students come from wealthy families you will seldom meet one that doesn't have a job on or off campus. Students here are very driven and hard working so you may never know they are wealthy unless you ask which I liked because I felt it allowed us to be on somewhat of a level playing field. Every student claims to be "broke" and every student claims to be "working my ass off" which to me was comforting knowing we are all here working hard together.


There are so many different people at K-state. I don't think anyone could really feel out of place here. It's one of the great things about my school. In general, the students are very friendly, and the faculty is very helpful. If you are looking for religious groups, there are tons! Some that I have been to are Christian Challenge, StuMo, and Navigators. I highly recommend them, and there are many others which I have never attended, but they are available on campus. There are also many clubs on campus. If you have a specific interest, consider joining one of them. Also, your college/major will most likely have some clubs available for you to join, or there are also scholarship sororities/fraternities. There are many foreign-exchange students on campus. I recommend living in the dorms for at least your freshman year so that you can get to know people of all sorts of backgrounds! It is so interesting and fun to meet different people. :) Most people wear casual clothing. (I prefer jeans and k-state t-shirts) Unless you're in the agriculture program, in which case you will see lots of belt buckles and boots! :-)


Since Kanas State is a state school, most students are from Kansas. However, there are a few from out of state who have had parents that went here or that are here for the competitive Engineering, Architecture, or Interior Design programs. Everyone is accepting of where people come from but people from Kansas obviously have more to connect with than people from out of state.


When I first entered college, I was absolutely terrified of all of the people I did not know in my classes. However, after the very first day, that fear went right out of the window. Students at K-State are welcoming and warm to newcomers, and are always willing to help each other when needed. People love to interact with all different types of students on campus, and we are a very close-knit community. Our motto, every man a wildcat (EMAW), is instilled in our brains from day one, and students care for each other on campus. I have never felt like I was out of place, except maybe when the pilots talk about weird pilot things that I definitely do not understand, and the students at K-State make my college experience great!


I came from a high school of over 2,000 students and sit next to students everyday who had a graduating class of less than 50. Somehow, we find a way to get along. I have yet to have a class in college where I wouldn't feel comfortable leaning over to the person next to me, asking for a pencil, and continuing a convesation with that person regardless of race, religion, or sex. With so many different students there are obviously different financial backgrounds. This is what makes K-State great. We have a program at our school that is the only philanthropy of its kind. It's by students, for students. Each year students donate $10 to receive a t-shirt for the K-State PROUD campaign. This money goes into a general scholarship fund that goes back directly to K-State students who apply because they don't have other financial options. With local business donations this fund raised over $100,000 for students right here at our University!!


It may sound cliched, but I met some of my best friends in class, you just never know who you'll meet!


My classmates that I have met are some of the coolest people I know and I still hang out with people I met first semester from my classes.


My classmates are friendly and it is easy to find a group of people with the same interests as yourself.


They are all helpful and open minded about the classes that they are attending.