Kansas State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kansas State University.


You will meet all kinds of people here, from Farmkids to city slickers, K-State students are a mix of everything!


Kind and caring that like to have fun with friends.


At Kansas State University my classmates are very pleasent to share the acidemic enviroment with, as well as being truly interrested in wanting understanding who I am as a person and sharing new vaules and ideas.


My classmates at Kansas State University are motivated and driven to work hard.


My classmates are people I must meet to build friendships with so I can utilize their knowledge and perspectives to better my life now and for years to come.


Everyone in the class wants to help you, professors and students alike, to succeed.


Classmates are mostly intellectual, always willing to help one another, friendly, and most are from Kansas.


My classmates are all friendly and passionate about Kansas State.


My classmates are a friendly group of students who are looking to maximize their college experience.


I have made so many friends here on campus, because everyone is helpful, kind, and ready to work, and because of the diverse student population here.