Kansas State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kansas State University.




My classmates were extremely friendly, interesting and creative.


A very diverse group of enthusiasm, those who are motivated and those who aren't and every where in between.


Very down to earth, willing to help with homework and study for tests. Very focused on studies but likes to chill and hang with friends when studying doesnt consume their time. The y are also very involved on campus in clubs and other activities along with their studies and social life.


Many students come from rural Kansas and are looking for a career in technology or aviation.


Most are friendly, hard-working, and helpful, but some are too independent to care.


My classmates are very friendly, diverse, and fun.


Everyone is different. Many of my classmates are just regular people trying to get along in the world. Many of them don't take it as seriously as they could, so I try to take advantage of that. It doesn't seem very competetive at all.


My classmates are laid back, but they still study for their classes.


Mostly the student body is pretty relaxed. They wear t-shirts and jeans or shorts to class. There's usually some sort of show in the Quad-like flags for every 100 soldiers who've died or something. I think predominately that the school is conservative, but at the same time all views make themselves heard. A lot of people I met were from eastern Kansas, but some were from the west or other states.