My classmates consist of hard-working, happy, and smart people.
My classmates have a very contagious ambition about their majors, inspiring me and others to do well with academics, social life, and a lot more.
My classmates at school are scholarly and helpful. The people in my Early Childhood major are focused and considerate. They are always there if I have questions or if I just need some help with class. Every person in my major is willing to put forth the effort to get to know everyone on a very personal level. I would say group work is much easier to do with these girls because their goals are the same as mine.
The students are friendly and willing to help each other out.
My classmates are determined, and very goal focused.
Most of the students are super friendly. You can tell a big difference between the upper classman and the freshman. I see a lot of my classmates around campus and we have a few study groups. We get along pretty well, and help each other out when we don't understand, or if we just need to vent. Some students, just like at any school, have an arrogant persona, but they are easy to avoid.
The students at Kansas State University are incredibly nice, genuine, and all around fantastic.
There is a wide variety of students at Kansas State University. Being such a large campus with well over 20.000 students, it's not hard to find different types of people. There's people from all over the country and world. The vast difference of opinions on religion, politics, and social issues is amazing. It's easy to find a group of people you fit in with since there are so many different types of people here.
The students at Kansas State University are very diverse. We collectively seem to be happy people that are willing to help a lost student on campus. I don't know anyone that isn't busy and involved on campus and we take pride in everything that we do. Our campus is also very diverse and non-racist. We have many exchange students and I have seen them not be anything but welcome here. I have met people from Slovakia, Australia, England, Korea, and many more. They are all wonderful people and happy to be here. Financial backgrounds are not prevalent on campus. You can't exactly tell if there is an abundance of rich or less fortunate on campus. We are just students no one seems to think they are better than anyone else. And although we do have many students of course from Kansas, there is a good percentage that are out of state, including myself.