Students are very much relaxed on campus when it concerns attitude and dress. however, there are plenty of opportunities to dress up and go out. Most students are from Kansas but certain majors such as architecture draw people in from across the country. With the majority of people coming from Kansas or the midwest, the bible belt, students on campus seems to be very conservative.
At kstate... I can say we have SOOO much pride in our school! Willie the Wildcat has a huge impact on the student body! I can say he is one of the best mascots that can really get a crowd and the students at K-state excited about our school! Our student body is always striving to go to the next level! We want to make our school better and better and involve as many people as possible to take that much more pride in our campus and school!
Even though most students are from Kansas, I have felt completely in place. Everybody is really nice and welcoming. There are quite a few international students and many study abroad oportunities; this allows for students to have contact with many different cultures.
I don't think that any student would feel out of place here. The student body is very multi-national and multi-racial. Financially there is a good mix of people from across the board, everything from wealthy to paycheck-to-paycheck attend the university.
I feel like the socio-economic background of the student body at K-state is pretty average. K-state students don't have the reputation of being extremely wealthy, unlike other universities, which is nice.
It is the absolute best there is!!!!!!!
I would like to think that no student would feel out of place at K-State, but I'm sure there are some that would. If you come from an upper class family and maybe have a complex towards others who were maybe raised on a farm or out in the country then this is not the school for you. I haven't so much noticed any racial tensions, as much as socio-economic tensions. I know kids who grew up in Overland Park who wear designer clothes and drive nice cars, and then I know kids who grew up out west and have more than 3 pairs of cowboy boots and drive big trucks. I have friends from Texas, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and of course Kansas. Its an interesting group of people and learning about our differences is half the fun.
There are many different ethnicities and countries represented on the K-State campus, giving the school the diversity factor some colleges lack.
The student population is incredibly diverse. There's a student group or organization for anything you're interested in. Everyone is also very civil with each other, and there is no hostility at all between any groups of people.
The student body is pretty diverse for a school in the middle of Kansas there are a lot of kids from big cities and a lot from the country. There is also a healthy number of foreign students on campus.