Kansas State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kansas State University.


My classmates were eager, hard-working, passionnate, kind, talented, creative, friendly, disciplined and K-State proud!


The majority of students are Caucasian, although there is diversity. In my dorm wing along there are Koreans, French, Chinese, and other international students, along with students from CO, GA, FL, KS, MO, and various other states. Ethnic backgrounds are also diverse down my wing; there are Hispanics, Asians, African-Americans, as well as other ethnic backgrounds. Social groups and clubs are abundant, and it seems like everyone can always find a group of people that have common interests. I believe someone who would feel out of place at this school most would probably be someone who loves the city a lot, because of the small size of the town.


A lot of students at K-State are from Kansas and if they aren't from Kansas then there is a pretty good chance that someone from their family went to K-State. There isn't an outstanding amount of diversity on campus, but there has been an increase in the amount of diversity and international students since I have been here. I've been able to attend several international student events and have learned more than I thought I would. Typically speaking, students will probably have more of conservative view on politics. But, the students at K-State are in tune with national, local and campus politics. When you go to class you'll probably see a lot of students dress casual, jeans and a shirt. Sometimes you'll see people in suits and sometimes you'll see people in pajamas, but for the most part you can expect to see students wearing the same thing you see people at the mall wearing.


everyone is so friendly! you meet a lot of new friends, like i did through marching band. there is always someone you know while walking across campus. if you are lost, dont be afraid to ask for help! different types of students interact at this school. i'm friends with people majoring in agriculture,art, animal science, and so many more.


I feel like I may have been naive before coming to K-State. Once moving into the residence halls, I experienced things I never had before! Most K-State students are open to the racial, religious, sexual orientation, and other groups on campus. K-State has a strong international program and is open to all cultures. I, for one, invited an international student to spend the holiday break with us my sophomore year. Her name was Na and it was so neat seeing her interact with my culture and to learn about her culture! We both had learned so much from the experience. I just wish I had been so open to these sort of things before K-State, but I am grateful regardless. Once you meet someone at this university, it is easy to meet more. Half way through the semester, most people have great groups of friends that they can dine with, watch movies with, or go out to Aggieville with. Financial backgrounds are not prevalent at this university. I come from a poor background but know many from a strong financial background. It just isn't something anyone really worries about here.


Students are given ample opportunities to join hundreds of different student organizations and clubs. K-State students have a reputation of being active, friendly and happy, and it is always nice to meet people that live up to that reputation. Students can always find a group of people they feel comfortable with, especially if they spend time in the dorms to find people that are also looking for friends. Students often wear comfortable attire to class, such as sweats and sweatshirts. However, it isn't uncommon to see students dressed in suits on campus to fulfill greek organization obligations or to present a class project.


Traditionally the students of Kansas State University are right wing Republicans, though, we do have a number of Democrats as well as left wing students on our campus. Racially our campus is majority Caucasian but we do have diversity in some of our major colleges such as engineering. There are also a number of LGBT students on campus, they are very accepted into different clubs and organizations and treated as the equals they should be. Religiously K-State and Manhattan have many options to fulfill your spiritual need whether it be a Christian based church or an Islamic temple. Students on our campus are very outgoing and friendly, walking through campus there are constantly people smiling, waving, and telling each other hello. Manhattan actually has the nickname of Manhappiness by K-State students. Campus involvement is a very popular thing at Kansas State University, many students are involved and hold office positions within their club or organizations of choice on campus.


I really got involved with NAVS [or Navigators] this semester and it is one of the Youth Ministry Groups on campus. The staff is really friendly! I don't think anyone would really feel out of place at K-State. In the dining halls, everyone usually sits together regardless of social class etc. I feel that because of busy college schedules a lot of people don't have time to keep up with politics. A majority of the people here are from KS.


Diversity is a perk about a larger university. One great example is our union. If you want to see diversity at work, walk into our union around noon and look around at all the people around you. You will hear a variety of languages, see a variety of skin colors and possibly even see some different cultures taking effect. We have many groups at K-State, and those don't just stop at sports or the greek system. There are social, racial, religious groups here as well.


K-State has a very diverse group of students. We have the International Student Services, for those students that are international. We also have the LGBT community - K-State is a very open campus and very accepting. I don't think any potential student would ever feel out of place here, there is literally something for everyone. Students are very laid back here, we have students that dress to impress; while, others wear pj's and slippers.