During my college experience I have been able to expand my knowledge. I have obtained an Associates in Computer Networking Systems, learning the different aspects of computers. And now I look forward to expanding my education and taking into the health science feild.
Hello my name is Steven Sanchez and since I been at kaplan university I been having a great expereince and the classes are very challenging and that is what make s kaplan University so special. They are 10 units per class and they give you from wednesday to tuesday at midnight to finish and deposit all project and assignemnt to the instructors. They have a great writing tutoring lab and a great math tutoring lab. and they alos have an online library that will elp you in obtaining all topics of different assignments that you may have.The academic advisors are always calling the students to see how are they are doing in their classe, which to me is a signal that they are very caring. When I a i started kaplan university online back in january 2008 prior to that I was looking for a college to attend and firt I went to Broward community college located in Broward county in Florida in the city of Fortlauderdale and I was told by their academic assitance that I had to many college credit form New York city to get into a 2 year degree. Then I decided on Kaplan University.
I have learned lots of patience so far in school. It has also opened my learning abilities to other ways and not to think one sided.
Leaving the past behind and starting a new risked experience such as college prepared me to see what lies ahead in the other side of the fence. As a knowledge seeker towards the goal I wanted to accomplish, I was determined to grasp the experience by giving it all towards the trust in my guts to be prepared for the world outside of my window. I didn't have the financial opportunity to support for my dreamed college education, but that didn't stop me for being the person that I am today. Wether I chose to face through the everyday life or not, life bluntly designed me straightforwardly to prepare me for a better future that I chose as my journey. Through my daily walk experiences through college, my whole perspective changed as I was bombarded with different; cultures, religions, and moral logical views that seem out of this world. It has been valuable for me, because I've got to witness the different approaches that came through my long walked journey and prepared my goal to become a Commercial Photographer. Leaving my own mark and beating my own drum that is set different from other individuals.
So far, I have learned that a "can do" attitude will help me reach my goal of getting my bachelor's degree in business Administration. At 42 years old, it is great to educate yourself and be able to apply what you've learned on the job. You never know what you don't know until you learn it for yourself.
I havent started school yet. I am sure that it will be a great learning experiance for me I look forward to getting started on a great carrear.
College had definitely built my character. I had to get everything together when I first started taking classes here at YVCC. Transition from high school into college was a huge step because here you can?t slack off. To go onto the next level for a class you must average at least a C grade in that class and nothing lower. So studying is of most importance. Attending college has been valuable because I am being trained to major in Business. I?m learning more about the field so that once I am working in my profession I will be successful. Getting to meet other students and interact with them through study groups has also made things a lot easier.
I would tell me: Be focused on what you want to be, find your degree path and stick to it, be patient and dont jump into the work enviorment yet, Be confident, Be assertive, DONT WASTE TIME, surround yourself with like minded successful people, Learn all you can about something before signing it. Be yourself dont let anyone determine your future but you.
You are not stupid. Do not listen to that principal or that ignorant hall monitor. You will indeed amount to something in life, and you will one day be an honor student. Do not give up on yourself. You may not know what you want to do with your life now, but you will know it when you realize it and when you do, you will be ready for college. The work is not insanely hard and for geniuses only like you think it is. Follow directions, do what you are asked, and for goodness sake, be patient. Good things are waiting for you.
ODnt change your mind just go for it while what you learned in high school is still fresh in your head. Let you mind lead you and make sure you look at the priorities not the dream unless they are the same.