College requires courage and motivation. These two attributes have guided me through a great deal of experiences. One will never know all the opportunities available to him or her without the courage to discover and explore the many courses and situations a college campus provides. It is also through motivation and passion of what you discover as your calling or career that will allow you to endure and strive through all the challenges a college workload has; such as papers, readings, projects, reports, and exams. While at my college I choose to study physics and engineering because they peaked my interest and imagination. Understanding why and how things work whether in nature or in a lab grants me satisfaction. I am confident in my choice of study, and I believe it will lead me to a comfortable and enjoyable career. College paves our path to the real world as a time to experiment and make mistakes, all in search for the next step in one's life. What you gain from a college experience will prepare you for the vital moments that will shape your future.
I will be able to obtain a long over due associates degree in Information Technology and we able to provide my daughter with the life that she deserves.
I have had many positive outcomes from my college experience:
Besides the ability to earn more money in the professional world, there are the friends that you make, the experience and challenges of learning new things.
I try to find value in all things that I partake in, whether it is a positive or negative experience. If I do not receive the grade that I want I work even harder for the next assignment, learning from your mistakes as you go. This is a very valuable life lesson.
If I can ?breeze? though a class and someone else is struggling I take the time to mentor that person. According to many experts, everyone should partake in mentoring. That is anyone who hopes to have a successful career. This is another valuable life lesson.
The time I have spent at my two-year community college has been a priceless experience. The education I have received has impacted me far beyond my expectations, and has changed the way I see the world.
Every course I take opens a new window to the world. Philosophy has helped me explore myself. Public speaking has given me the courage to converse with anyone. Biology has helped me understand my surroundings and art appreciation has inspired my creative passions.
As each of these subjects calms my hunger for learning, they begin to form a chain. Suddenly the material we have been going over in earth science class is cross-referenced in a book I am reading in psychology. I get feverish with excitement and often find myself exclaiming, ?we just learned about this the other day in class!?
I love learning, and thrive for the opportunity of challenge. I often discover the connections between speaking publically and thinking critically while examining bacteria under a microscope. My experience excites me for the future. I eagerly look forward to discovering more connections between ?unrelated? subjects.
Since I started at Kaplan my life had changed. I learn not to take things so serious and that nothing comes easy in life and if you want something you have to work for it. The courses that I have taken I really feel that they will be useful in my career. I also have met a lot of new people some of them I have become friends with. I feel that I have grown so much while attending Kaplan. I feel like I could go out and get any type of job.
I have gotten many things out of my college experience; dedication, discipinle, structure and an advancement of knowledge in my field of choice to better prepare me for graduate school. It has been valuable to attend because without my education I would not be able to become a doctor. In order to succeed at my goals, I need an education. The dedication and discipline that I have learned by attending college helps me for my future. The stucture helps me with being able to obtain my goals. Education has always been extremely important to me and I value my education. Being able to work with other students and see their ideas helps to expand on my own and view things outside of my own perspective. Working in the externship that was provided by my previous school gave me a step into the backgrounds of what goes on in a medical practice. Everything I have learned along the way and everything I will learn yet to come will give me a great opportunity to be able to succeed as a doctor.
A sense of accomplishment and self-worth that I haven't felt from anything else in awhile! Confidence, happiness, humbleness, Avery good job with good pay, job security, some admiration from others! Useful skills learned to use in a professional setting and volunteer and help others. Knowing I can take care of myself and be on my own during college. Student loans were worth it and have since paid them off as planned. Friendships! Great memories! The greatest benefit was the completion of a long term plan/goal. Realizing because of college that there are a lot of things I can accomplish if I want to.
My college experince has taught me to embrass myself. I was always afraid to come out and tell everyone what I wanted to be when I grew up because each time I had told someone they gave me the same look without fail. So over time I just stop telling poeple and gave them a simple answer. I have heard countless times of people who wanted to be a fireman or a doctor but never have I heard someone tell me that they wanted to become a Advertisment Executive. Ever since I was in middle school, I knew this is what I wanted but I grew tired of the looks. The look that made me feel that maybe being so different wasnt such a good thing. So I went on telling people I wanted to be a Lawyer instead, so that I wouldnt have to taged as different. However, being in college has made me realize that being different isnt always such a bad thing. I learned to embrass who I am and college has given me something that I didnt have before which is a sense of self which is the most vauble reason to attend.
I?ve learned that I work tirelessly to complete my academic goals, and beyond, and don?t skip a beat, in fact, start looking for my next challenge. Even though the online classes allow for a bit of flexibility, I don?t let myself sleep more than eight hours as I have such a yearning to proficiently meet my various obligations, both within school, and within my honor?s program, which includes volunteering, and student mentoring. Through my years, I have strived as lengthy and as intense as I can to achieve valuable values in both discipline and humanity today. Stimulating my fellow peers to thirst for wisdom encourages my individual expedition to take in the human race and the society all over the place. In addition to my contribution in scholastic and tutor situations, I am dynamic in exercise, which only adds health to a student?s mind, in my opinion. I have also volunteered as a Mother?s Day Out teacher, as part of my Honor?s Student Program commitments. The ethical structure that I hope to implant in them will last them their whole lives. I find establishing a constructive model for these young children extremely gratifying.
My education is very valuable to me. I believe that a good education is needed in order to have a rewarding, successful life and career. Therefore, I take school very seriously and believe in working hard now will pay off in the end. I have learned a lot about myself and what I want in life. I have discovered what I find interesting and what I want to do with my life. I truly love learning and have found the science classes the most interesting. This has influenced me to enter the health field and go into medicine so I will be able to use my knowledge to help others. In order to achieve my ultimate goal of becoming a Physician's Assistant, I realize that I need to work very hard in school and not take my education for granted. I believe that this mindset will help me accomplish everything that I want to accomplish and any help financially will be not be taken for granted.