become better transitioned to college life and studying
Based of the information that I know now about college life is that you will need to becareful of what college you choose to go to because some will have you sign up for private loans for their school and have you paying it back while you are still enrolled. In Addition, make sure you have scholarships and or grants and search for them and dont give up if you get denied for a schoalships or grants. Because some schools may have grants and scholaships you may be elgible for but what if you lose that grant or schoalrship then you have others to stiill help you pay for tuition and supplies that you may need. Regarding the transition from high school into college don't be afraid yes its new take it as a new step in your life and a challenge you accepted to gain more knowledge. The transition from high school and college may be hard however going to an online campus is diffrent than going to an actual campus. Online may be an easier transition but it's the drive and motivation that you will need to get up and atted class, complete assignments, and test.
Well, I had an awesome opportunity and attended one of the top vocational schools in my state. I would tell myself to not be so intimidated by the other students and to strive to do my best. Take advantage of all the AP and college courses they have available. Don't procrastinate! Keep good relationships with the teachers and other faculty. Stay at the top of the class so to qualify for various scholarships. Join as many clubs as possible and complete community service activities.
Don't put off going to college. Talk to everyone and anyone you can about your career goals to get advice on job and intership opportunities. As long as you make smart decisions you will be safe and succeed. Have fun, but stay away from drugs and alcohol, they will only hold you back. Take advantage of everything your school offers and get involved in the community as often as you can. Helping people through community services makes you feel good and promotes a positive attitude which will help you succeed at school. Stay focused but keep an open mind. You never know when you will experience something that cann change your life.
If I could go back in time and talk to Senior me, I would give myself advice on what to expect when going into college and how to get myself ready for the amazing experience. I would tell Senior me that in order to prepare myself, I need to make sure I pick the perfect college for me. Compare prices, class sizes, books needed, and whether I want an online experience or a campus experience. I would also tell myself that I need to make sure I have supportive people around me to help with stressful situations. I would have to look into Financial Aid (FASFA), student loans, and scholarship opportunities. I would tell Senior me that it's not as hard as it seems, especially with the right assistance, and that it gets better from here. I would say that it is a wonderful new experience that you can pass on to your children and it'll be beneficial in the end!
Never wait to start college the earlier you do it the better your life will be and the less stress you will have.
If I could go back into time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to be more decisive about career plan before going for broke. I would tell myself that it is okay to be open minded, yet it's important to know limits and consequenses are real. I would advise me to take my education serious no matter what. I would inform me that it is not the schools responsibility to make sure that you stay on track. I would tell her to make sure that she compares schools wisely. Choosing a school is so much more than alma maters and ethnicity. I would tell her to always ask herself this question. Is the school more interested in me or my money. I then would tell her to trust God and have faith that all things work out for the good of those who love and fear the Lord.
Dear Tori,
You have worked so hard your entire life, don't give up now. I know, things got really hard at home and in your social life. You've lost friends and your family has been struggling for awhile now. You have so much stress and I know it seems like things won't get better but I promise, things start to look up. Think of how much you've already done! You're on the path to graduate as a Distinguished Scholar, you made it into the National Honor Society and you have a great GPA. Keep your chin up because I'm here to tell you the future looks bright. Try to enjoy the present, because it is gone in the blink of an eye. This very second is the beginning of the rest of your life, don't take that for granted. Be thankful. Remember to be respectful, be classy, and be the person you want your sisters to become. Stay strong and always do your very best. You are good enough.
Don't wait so long to go to college. Being able to take classes online makes it so much easier. You can do this.