I have learned some very valuable information. What I am learning here is setting me up for success in my future endeavors. This experience is so valuable to me because it has taken me so long to figure out what I love to learn about. I can't wait to put my knowledge to work for a greater good.
To ask what I have gotten out of my college experience is a loaded question. I feel that I have of course received an education in basics such as reading, writing, math, etc. But I think that I have learned something more important throughout my college career thus far. I have learned a lot about myself and through much discussion, usually ones that are awoken because of a disagreement, I have been able to examine my beliefs and convictions in life and the logic behind them and really understand why I believe the way I do. I have been able to look at life through the eys of others to see why they believe what they believe. This has given me a greater sense of who I am as a person and solidified my foundational beliefs even more so. Sometimes we have to put into words what we believe and why and that makes it come even more alive to us. This is the most valuable thing I have experienced in college so far. I hope to experience so much more!
I learned that College is harder than expected. I didn't do so hot my first year in college because I played around like most first year college students. I found the field that is right for me now though and am working toward that goal with straight A's. I am attempting to get some help financially so that I can quit band. I love music and band, but my life would be much easier to use the time that Band takes up to study.
I am 37 years old and have experienced a great deal of life; at times putting me on the top of the world and others having me experience the worse loss and pain ever imagined. In all cases, I have gained and lost assets, made and spent money but the education I have gained in college can never be taken from me. The theories and experiences I had in college will stay with me a lifetime. These experiences will also allow me to continue on with rebuilding the rest of my life. My low times have cost me relationships, bankrupted me, and even cost me a house but now I want to make my comeback with the help of this scholarship to rebuild my life with education. Help me make this come true.
I do not regret the classes that I have completed as I work towards my Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice.
However, I do regret the fact that I may have to withdraw for a period of time due to the absence of funds available to me.
I love learning and it has been wonderful to feel as though I was working towards something.
I hope to finish someday and find a job working with juveniles in order to give them opportunities and show them that there are people who can support them and who believes in them in a world where all they know is pain and fear.
I have learned how to manage my time wisely. When I decided to get my degree, in my 50's, I was determined to complete this within 2 years. I am still on course but it will be well worth it when I am able to assist other brain njury survivors, like myself.
During my previous years in college, I felt that I was on the right path. On a path of accomplishing a great thing for me and my family. I felt that I was keeping a promise that I made to my grandfather, who has passed, and myself.
I've found that I'm more motivated now than I've ever was to make sure that I complete college. Being laid off, looking for work and finding work in today's economy has made me value the benefits that college has to offer more . I've held and am currently holding a job that 's not utilizing my experience and skills. Not to mention , that I've had to take a pay cut of half of what I was making three years ago. Needless to say, I'm more motivated and truly, truly value what college has to offer. I'm also glad that it is not to late for me to keep my promise to myself and my grandfather.
I have only been attending my college for a month now, but I have learned alot in just that one month. My Academic Strategies class has helped me to become more organized in both school and everyday life. My readings have taught me to manage time and to make to-do lists and keep up a calendar. I know this does'nt sound like much but, as a first year student it is very helpful to learn how to stay organized and manage your time to fit in school and still get household chores and such done. Kaplan University is very valuable to attend because it helps me get my education online so I can stay home and raise my son and wait patiently for my deployed marine to call me. Going to school online helps me teach my son new things, spend time with him, and act as both mommy and daddy since his father is currently deployed. Online school is truley a blessing.
If I look back at the knowledge that I had before attending Kaplan, I can see that I do have indeed learn much more that I was able to learn by myself; The professors and classes are designed so everyone can take it at our own peace as we consume and process the material provided and work in our assignments, which is a benefit for those with busy lives or work.
I do not regret my decision to go into an University, as I now feel much more prepared for the future and to start developing my career path.
I haven't gotten to try the college experience, until now. I wanted a better future for myself and for my child i'm expecting in the next couple of months. However, i'm trying to get my degree online for the time being because of the lack of transportation to and from school and also trying to find a job for some source of income. When, I do get accepted into the virginia college online program it will be very valuable to me because after the program is completed i'll have my assosciates degree in criminal justice and my future will already be ten times brighter than these past two years of no schooling.