Morgan State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Morgan State University know before they start?


1. Discover: Get involved into activities and discover what really interests you. Even if you do not know what you want you will eventually come to a conclusion when you have different options to choose from those activities. 2. Hard work: Once you figure out what you want to do work hard to accomplish it. 3. Persistent: Constantly strive to keep up with the hard work. 4. Success: Once you have maintained you hard work you will be successful.


Get ready for college, girl. It's not going to be all fun and games and it is NOTHING like high school. You have to study and buckle down. This is your future and you need to be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} dedicated to it. There will be times where you don't want to study or blow it off until tomorrow, but don't do it. The longer you put something off, the worst it will be for you in the long run. You need to stay focused on your goals and don't let you social life get in the way. All the fun things you want to do will be waiting for you once you're done. There are so many set backs that will halt everything you have worked for up to a certain point in college and then there will be a block that you cause with your lack of dedication. Stay strong and push through. It'll be better once you finish and finally get that degree!


apply myself more!


Stay focued do not take college for a joke. Be prepared and understand this is your life and no one can determine your future but you.


Make sure that you focus and pay attention in your classes colleges definitely look at grades and testing scores. Save as much money as possible, school is costly!


Choose a college that has career opportunities, professors that will help you on the right path


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would stress the importance of time management. I realized while in college, time management could be the difference between an A and a C. In high school time management was not as important as in college. I was able to study the night before and still maintain stellar grades. In college studying the night before was a total fail. Not only did it reflect on my tests, quizzes and homework, it reflected on my responsibilities as a college student. Once I realized how important time management was to my success in college I changed my whole mindset. I started to study every day and complete assignments the same day it was given. As a result of managing my time I was able to obtain a 4.0 spring semester of my freshman year of college. Even though I did not receive a 4.0 in the fall semester of my freshman year, I learned valuable information that developed me as a college student.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself in highschool, I would say not to worry about being social so much and to concentrate more on grades. I would say this because the transition from highschool to college was a little rough on me because in highschool I wanted to be very social and I found out quickly in college you need to worry about grades more. I would also tell myself not to worry about things you cannot control and to do the best you can in every situation in life.


The greatest advice given would be learn to manage your time before you get to college. In high school you have an authority over you all the time but college is totally different, there is no one making sure you come to every class or do every assignment. Learning to mange your time beofr entering college will make your transition so much easier. Poor time management will lead to you missing class, which is the worst thing to do in college; missing class will lead to missing assignements and your grades will deminish to failing so quickly.


If I could give advice to my high school self, the best I would give is don't give up. Don't think that you're not smart enough or strong enough to do or be what you want. If you dont score as high on the ACT as you want.Try, try, and try again. It doesn't hurt you, it could only help you, dont give up. When it comes for applying for colleges, apply to as many as you possibily can. Dont give up because one school doesnt accept you or you can't afford it. When you do get accepted to the school of your dreams, get involved . College is going to be where you find out who you really are. You're away from family and your parents. You have a sense of freedom, but dont go to crazy. In the end everything will work out, keep your head up and be the strong black woman that I know you are.