The life I would give my self is to know my major as soon as possible and to take my classes really serious. I will also study more in the library and focus. You are going to mae mistakes but just learn from them and grow.
Nowadays, most high school students believe that at 18 years old, one is now mature enough to make reasonable decision concerning ones life. Now as an adult, i can boldly say that 18yrs is just the first step to understanding how to make good decision, let alone making them. The secret to having a good and rewarding high school experience is most importantly to never trust or seek advice from any of your agemates. Let your mother,guardian or any available mature individual be your best friend. From my experience in high school,i learnt that high school students give only about 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} positive advices to their mates. In high school, i never listened to my parents because i thought they never understood me,believing that only my friends did. That was my first mistake. Then i started listening to and taking advices from them, which was my second mistake. These two decisions alone made me loose focus and until i left high school, i never understood who i really was and what i wanted in life. The most important time in ones life that he/she should be close to their families is in high school, so choose wisely.
I know you have your ideas, but college is not as scary as you think. There are many people here, student and proffesors alike, that will help you make the transition. If you don't get accepted right away take the opprotunity of going to that pre-college summer program, it will help you in the long run. Not only will you have the advantage of being in a college classroom, but it helps you engage with students who already attend Morgan and students who may be going there. In highschool they always give you a lot of assignments to complete and you nag and complain, but when you get here that will only be the start of it. Don't lose track and get behind, if you need help go to a tutor or talk to your proffesor about the assignment. Don't be shy because they are there to help you achieve your goals. A part of being in college is also making new friends, but be carefull not to get caught up with those who are not serious about their education. Well that's all, I hope your first year goes great. Good luck.
I would tell myself to not ignore what people who are in college tell you it's going to be like. When I first got to college yes it was easy, but in order to be successful after college your grades need to be superb and that does take a lot of hard work and dedication. I would have told myself to start strong, so all you have to do is maintain your gpa not work even harder to raise it.
I would tell myself that time management and obtaining knowledge outside the class room are the difference between having good and extraordinary academic success. Managing your time correctly will allow yourself to perpare appropriately for your class without having to feel the stress of exams, paper, and finals and will allow you to have plenty of personal time. Secondly learning beyond the class room will all you to gain a much deeper understanding of the course material. This extra learning is what will seperate a '"B" student from an "A" student. Also doing so will help in the prefessional world allowing you to find internships easier and excelling there.
The advice I would give to my high school self is to not be afraid and that everything will be okay. In high school, I was upset I was not accepted into my top choice school and that I had to attend my last resort, which was Morgan State University. Moreover, my plan was to complete one year at Morgan and transfer somewhere else. However, I learned that it does not matter which school you attend, but it's what you make of the experience. Now I love my school and I made plenty of good friends. Likewise, I have no intention of transferring schools. I am happy with the decision I made to attend Morgan State University, and I will stick with it.
Do a lot of research on what you would love to study and why. It saves you time in college from switching majors, etc. Secondly, take your high school courses seriously because there is nothing better than an excellent foundation. Don't be too eager to be independent. We all need one another to survive (A tree does not make a forest). Mingle with the right crowd because it goes a long way in determining how you will succeed and the choices you will make. Overall, always stay positive even in negative situations.
I would give myself advice about growing up and making decisions that would help me survive on my own in college. For instance, I would tell myself that time management is KEY from the day you enter college until the day you graduate. Time management is important because no matter what you're dealing with, such as school work, sleep, studying, parties, and even eating, you will have to learn to manage your time in order to fit everything into your daily schedule. Also, money management is a very important aspect of your college career. Managing your money will help you to maintain money for those "rainy days" everyone tells you about. Also, it prepares you to live in the real world on your own as an adult who is now an independent student. Finally, I would tell myself that motivation is very important when it comes to your college trnsition. In order to keep the good grades up when you have such a heavy workload and have too much "on your plate" you must motivate yourself to strive for success beause in the end you will have completed another huge chapter in your life successfully.
Please start aplyiing for school early. Please stay focused as you enter college!
I would love to travel back in time and tell my high school counterpart about the struggle he would endure in the future without a high school education. The lack of accomplishment will always haunt him. “Don’t give up on yourself”, finish high school and then go to college. College not only has so much information available to you everywhere you turn but it holds many other opportunities to. You will meet amazing people with intriguing ideas. Professors and fellow students with insight into subjects you have never pondered. You will learn something new everyday. Even if it is not something absolutely mind blowing, you will still be intoxicated with this new knowledge wandering around your mind. Creativity will spread from this meandering stream of thought and lead you to new ideas and experiences.When you start using this creativity you will find endless possibilities to what you can accomplish. Everyday I tell myself that and everyday I get closer and closer to my goals. Don’t wait as long as I did. My grandfather once said, “If you want to accomplish something you must have the will to do it”. Find that will and do it. I am.