The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Northwest College of Art & Design is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
If I were able to go back in time and tell myself about the future and about how to transition and prepare myself for college life, it would be summed up as such. I'd tell myself to be prepared for hardship, and attempt to plan everything out. I would tell myself to not be afraid to make mistakes, but to look over things twice. Never forget to make friends and to always believe in yourself, along with the friends and school around you. To make sure it's what you really want, and to strive towards the dreams of becoming an artist no matter how difficult it may seem. Of course I'd make sure to tell myself to have plenty of money in hand, but I'd make sure to reiderate, that no matter how scary it might get, to just trust your gut and go with your best judgement on things. That college is a great experience and you should enjoy it while it lasts, be ready with a job, a pencil and paper, and all of the good hopes and wishes that your parents and loved ones set forth towards and with you at all times!
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
NCA is a wonderful and very inspirational area and school to be in, the only complaint for me would be that it costs allot to get in with very few specific scholarships built towards the school itself. That and there are some issues when it comes to getting what you paid for on occasion. Otherwise NCA is quite enjoyable.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Northwest College of Art has a very particular academic calendar, being an all year school, classes are chosen for the student depending on his or her major. The relatively small student body translates into a relatively small teaching staff and several teachers are repeated throughout varied classes, for better or worse. Also, being somewhat of a new school, NCA continues to work out bugs in the system, mostly referring to a steady teaching staff. Being a private school, although accredited, NCA accepts and transfers very few if any credits at all.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Student who are not looking to further procure a career field in the arts, have no real interest in artistic areas, or those who want a more structured college with on campus housing, etc...
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are very talented, and I can see their potential to grow and ability to do so.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
A bachelor of fine arts degree with double majors. The school is year-round, so students graduate in 3 years.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The size of the student body at Northwest College of Art provides for an unparalleled teacher student relationship. Students are able to engage so much more, in a hands on, interactive learning enviornment, especially desireable in an institution of artistic learning. Furthermore, the rural and forest-like setting of NCA adds an inspirational atmosphere not only to the creative process but to the whole college experience outside of academic study. Mostly, NCA offers a double major visual communications degree inclusive in one tuition.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
This school is great for students who are self motivated and have great imagination. They also need to be able to take critisism well. This is a school where the students get to know eachother well and need to be able to work well together. Someone who is always happy and enjoys what they are going into. This school is very direct towards art students and is not for someone who enjoys math and science styled classes.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about my school is that there are limited financial aid resources. I've tried applying to many potential loans and grants to which I was not qualified to receive because the school is private.
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