professors konw our name, and student student often in the health science major
The class sizes are great- you get a lot of one on one time with the teacher and there is always help if you need it from office hours, peer tutors, and the learning center. There is an average of about 20 students in each of my classes and there are adequate supplies for everyone in lab. You are more likely to go to class than in a big school because the teacher would probably notice if you were gone. It is easy to stay on top of all of the work most of the time and the library is always open 24 hours and there are always people there. Qu is a good enviroment for learning and some of the profesors are highly respectable people that it is a privlage to meet. Qu's reputation of their programs and classes is still getting better. As a member of the undergraduate physician assistant program, i find that many people acknowledge QU as highly competative and i think that the class size, professors and ciriculum deffinatly encourage students to do their best. But it is still possible to excell in classes and have a good college experience!!
Academincs at Quinnipiac are amongst the best, the professors know your name and you are not just simply a number, they challenge you academically and you may hate them for it but will thank them when you get into the real world.
Sometimes you may get the QU stare when controversial issues arise but in the classes I have majority if not all the students participate and speak up.
usually you need a 2.0 to graduate and i loved my abnormal psych class the best
I have had a good experience with my classes and teachers. They are very interested in hearing what you have to say and they are always available after class to discuss a problem that you may have.
Great Health Science Department, great reputation in the health field, clinical rotations help build networks that will lead to potential job opportuities. In the Diagnostic Imaging Department, the facutly is outstanding and always willing to help, both academically and personally, outside of class. I know I am far more prepared for my career in DI than any other program I have worked with while in clinical - and that includes programs in both CT and MA. In this department you will find student who are willing to push themselves. The competition isn't amongst each other, its against oneself to be the best technologist they can be.
the communications department at qu is awesome. i mean, ive had teachers who will come to the bars with us. the reason the department is so great is because the professors dont act like they are superior to everyone else. if a student has a suggestion or comment they truly take it to heart.
Professors make an effort to learn your name but you have to do your part by answering questions in class so the professor can get to know your name better. I love American History class. I disliked the English 101 and 102 classes. Students study a lot specially at midterms and finals the library is the most busy during those times. It depends on the class and if the students like the teacher and want to keep class following. Sometimes, students have inellectual conversion outside of class but I don't think its to common. I don't see to much competitivness. I like the CJ dept. The professors are nice and always there to help. I was doing poorly in a class and I went to the professors office twice a week every week to do better and get help in his class. I think the academic requirements are fair. I think that the classes are geared towards getting a job because professors who teach classes are out there doing the jobs that they are teaching us, like having a judge, lawyer, or cop as a professor.
compared to others schools i find that quinnipiac prepares you for the real world. one way they do this is by doing group projects and this helps you interact with all different kinds of people
as a nursing major we get to know the teachers and they know us by name (for the most part) i dont know about other students but i can say nursing and in general health science student study their butts off! the class i enjoyed the most with the most unique teacher was human sexuality. really interesting.