Whenever I was younger I always had an irrational fear of going to a college class and sitting in an amphitheater of 150 students paying attention to a professor who would never know my name. Thankfully, this scenario doesn't exist at Quinnipiac University. Classes are generally very small, I think my biggest one last semester had around 30 kids and the smallest around 12. This, of course, makes for a more intimate and personal learning experience. Professors usually knew my name, except for a few adjunct Yale professors who didn't really put forth the effort. That's another thing that's great about Quinnipiac, its close proximity to Yale means that they share some faculty.
A lot of the professors have real-world experience too. I took a Media Studies course from a woman who had worked with Viacom, the corporation that owns stations like MTV and Nickelodeon. It turns out that she was actually directly responsible for bringing the show "Pete & Pete" to television. There's also currently a few courses being taught by Greg Johnson, who was the executive producer for the successful independent film "The Squid & the Whale." They even had an on-campus showing of the film with a Q&A with him afterwards.
However, with all schools, there's some professors who simply aren't as good at their craft as others. Some are extremely vague with their expectations, particularly in the English department, where the school takes a bizarre, liberal focus on the subject. "Reading against the grain" is heavily, heavily stressed, and some teachers simply don't know how to convey what they want from their students in an effective fashion.
Do professors know your name? - Yes.
Is class participation common? - no. The Air vents and unoiled desks have more interesting and frequent comments than the students.
Do Quinnipiac students have intellectual conversations outside of class? - no.
How do you feel about Quinnipiac 's academic requirements? - unfortunatly, the QU seminars are falling on mostly deaf and frustrated ears -good idea, but not for the intellectually mute.
Is the education at Quinnipiac geared toward getting a job, or learning for its own sake? - it is the students, not the education which is geared this way.
Depends on your major. Communications professors were really great.
most of the professors i have do know my name and have made it a point to get to know everyone as well as make us get to know each other.
my favorite class is my qu 201 class--we set the desks into a circle and have really good conversation about whatever we had read for the assignment. sometimes our professor will just ask us about our day, and i always leave that class in a better mood and have learned something new.
i think overall, the students here are very smart and are extremely competitive, especially within the entry-level health science programs, which i have experienced first hand.
right now, i am an occupation therapy major. im just finishing my liberal arts but next semester is alot of classes and clinicals so the workload will get drastically harder.
i like the academic requirements of qu, but i do not like the mandatory qu classes they make us take. although i enjoy my 201 class alot--for people who already have a "set" curriculum,its really hard to fit in and usually get tricked into paying for more credits then they actually wanted in the first place.
Yep, professors know me.
My major isn't on your enormous list.
I love that professors know my name. If you ever need help you can email them or even IM them and they get back to you very fast. Most teachers love being here and want you to do well and learn. Chem was my least favorite class.
Yes, the teachers do make an effort to know you, but not all of them. My favorite class had to be the freshmen intro to business--SB101. I usually just study in my room. Class participation depends on the teacher. I've had classes where only the teacher talk and others where only the students talk. Yes, students do have intellectual conversation outside of class, we're not idiots. I wouldn't say that students are too competitive. The only bad thing about academics is that everyone is now required to take 3 QU lecture class which are absolute horse shit. They prove no purpose and make the students hate the administration more.
my professors do know my name
my favorite class at the moment is "intellectual property"
my least favorite class is "non-experimental methods of research in psych"
some students study a lot, some don't at all
class participation is common
some students do have intellectual conversations outside of class
students are somewhat competitive
the most unique class i've taken is "human sexuality"
my majors are legal studies and psychology. I like legal studies better, psychology has way too many requirements
i do not spend time with professors outside of class
i think quinnipiac's academic standards are good
i think the education at quinnipiac can be toward getting a job or learning for its own sake, there is a good balance
classes are small and teachers know my name. nursing majors study A LOT and are definitly competitive
Professors are great. They are really attentive and caring.
Best classes are the ones for my major, media studies.
Least favorite are english and history, most professors are old and boring.
Class participation is common, many classes are small and discussion based.
The GPA minimums for honors for graduation are ridiculous.