The academic programs at Quinnipiac range from Liberal Arts to Health Sciences. You can get your doctorate, your bachelors or a masters. I have enjoyed my time as a public relations student with many different classes under my belt. The one good thing about the academics in my "school" is that a lot of them are hands on. You arent sitting in a lecture hall but instead interacting with the professor and creating or implementing projects that will assist you in the real world. One of the best parts of the classes here are their sizes. Due to the fact that they aren't huge lectures, you are able to connect with the professors on a different level and get the attention and help that you deserve.
All of my professors know my name because my classes are a good size. My favorite class was my freshamn English class because my professor made it really interesting. My least favorite class was Math 100 because I hate math and my professor was not helpful. I know my roommates and I study a lot and the library is never empty even on the weekend. The most unique class I have taken was my sociology class, my professor was so interesting and brought a lot of real world experience to the class. I am an English major and I was just accepted to the Masters program for Elementary Education. The English department requires we take a wide range of classes which is nice because it makes us well rounded and the Education program is tough but so worth it. I think the education is geared towards both. An big emphasis is placed on learning to gain knowledge however, the knowledge gain will help in getting a job after college.
Class sizes are typically small, and professors really try to help you out academically (at least in the school of health sciences). GPA requirements for health sciences are typically around a 3.0 cumulative, and the emphasis is to help each other continue in a program rather than to compete against each other. I'm very satisfied with my academics and trust that Quinnipiac has one of the best programs nationally for my major. I don't really get to take many electives at all, so I don't have much of a chance to take unusual or "fun" classes, but it's what you sacrifice for the end goal, I guess. You really get out of it what you put into academics.
The class sizes are perfect, and I truly believe that the faculty really cares about students and helping them succeed in not only assignments but in life.
All the professors who make an effort, learn your name wihtin the first two weeks of class and Quinnipiac is very good with getting a job if you are graduating and helping you learn about job opportunties that are out there.
In the health sciences, barely any of my teachers knew my name. Now I am taking Comm./Business classes and they all do. I don't think QU students have too many intellectual conversations out of class. I think professors are very willing to give help/meet out of class. I think the academic requirements are good, and the education i'm getting is very good...however I'm a little mad they changed the requirements for getting graduation honors (magna/summa cum laude) in the middle of our time at QU. We should have been grandfathered in.
I enjoy my education classes, I find that they are very personal because they are small. The professors know everyone's names, and it is discussion based which is better than just being lectured at. I feel that a majority of the students here can have an intellectual conversation outside of class, but there are some students here that most definitely cannot. The most unique class I have taken would either be Human Sexuality (PS 210) or Salsa Dancing (PE 150). Both of these classes were a lot of fun. Sometimes I feel that Quinnipiac's academic requirements are too rigid, and they do not leave enough room to let students take classes outside their major.
Very good academics. The professors all care about you and your education. They work hard and are always available to help you out. They want you to succeed in school and afterwards in life.
Themost unique class I have ever taken is psych 210 human sexuality. It is very different and challenges conservative views in a postive way.
Hard yet all college work is hard