Professors at Quinnipiac do know your name. they care about how you're doing in the class, and if you need help, they provide it for you!
My favorite class, would have to be journalism. Our professor asks us to go do field work, attend lectures and events on campus and write about them.
Students here like to have fun, but do their work before hand. Students here try their best and push themselves, but don't become uptight about it.
I'm a public relations major in the school of communications. The communications school here is amazing, they have a great factility which includes an all HD studio for the student channel Q30 which is similar to the one used at NBC. They teach you for the real world, not just to be knowledgeable.
I feel that most professors here, at least most of the ones I have had are great teachers and definitely take the time to learn your name and who you really are. I have had some great professors and some bad ones, but much more good than bad. I feel that I have to put in an average 2 or 3 hours per night doing reading or writing assignment, or working on projects. As a Media Production major I now spend a good amount of time working with Final Cut or writing scripts for studio. Media Production falls within the school of communications which has an AMAZING facility. The mass communication building is one of the coolest places on campus. Qu has a completely state of the art high def TV studio, Pro tools edition suite, and about 25-30 imacs all with final cut pro and tons of other awesome applications. I would say certain majors are more competitive than others and some students do compete for the better GPA. I do feel that may students have intellectual conversations outside of class frequently. My friends and I have fun but also tend to have many intellectual conversations about a wide range of topics. Education at Quinnipiac is definitely geared to make you a well rounded education person, but also to be excellently trained in your major and be prepared to get hired and have a very successful career.
I believe that all of my professors know my name and they know who I am as a person as well. My favorite class that I've had at Quinnipiac would have been my history class because you could tell that the teacher truly cared about all of his students and he truly loved the subject matter that he was teaching. Since he loved teaching the information to his students I believe that I learned more from him. My least favorite class would have had to have been my Introduction to Psychology class because the teacher was absolutely horrible. You could tell that he didn't care an ounce for the students and he was a real jerk when it came to a lot of things. He was a terrible teacher and he doesn't deserve to be teaching classes at such a great school. I believe that many students don't study at all, but all of the Health Science students (like myself) are in the library as much as possible and studying all the time to keep up with all of the information they need to learn for their classes. I believe that class participation is only a common thing if it is in a class that is not part of your major. All teachers love when students participate but when you're in a class that is all about learning the material 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and listening to what the teacher has to say you don't need to participate, but instead listen actively. I believe that many Quinnipiac students have intellectual conversations outside of class, but sometimes it's nice to just unwind and not talk about anything intellectual when you've had a very long day of classes. I believe that all of the students are competitive within their majors and schools because we are all here for an education and in the end we are all competing against each other for jobs. I haven't taken any unique classes because within my major you aren't given the option to take any classes that you choose to take, but instead you are given the classes that you have to take. I am in the Health Science department looking into getting my Doctorate for Physical Therapy. I go to office hours and other things such as that when it comes to spending time with professors outside of class. I agree with the Physical Therapy course load 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} except for the seminar classes that we are required to taking. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that we have to take this seminar and I don't agree with it at all. I believe that Quinnipiac is geared toward both getting a job and learning just to learn. I believe that Quinnipiac feels that it is necessary to learn things just to know them, but that in the long run all of this information will be important to you someday in your life and your job.
Professors DEFINITELY know your name. Class size is relatively small- usually no more than 30-35 kids. Its a real benefit though because then you get a lot of individual attention.
I am a Physician Assistant major and its a pretty small program at QU- currently in my class there are only 18 other students. Its hard. There is really no riding the edge in this program. It is a very rigorous schedule of about every science course you can ever possibly take. You have to really want to be a PA if you are in this program and half the time alot of people drop out or get kicked out. My class started with 30 students and in 4 years have dropped 11 students.
My experience with professors has been AWESOME, but partly because im a kissass who loves her major. I personally dont have to study that hard alot of my friends are constantly at the library or pulling all nighters. EN101 and EN102 are required for all freshman and I can't lie - they're pretty tough!! Math sucks too. I have always been so terrible with numbers but my professor was great ( the second time around, that is. )
I believe that the core curriculum, at least for Comm. students, is a little too much. You need 4 english classes, 2 lab sciences, 2 foreign languages, math, two economics . . EW!
Professors do know my name, the classes are small enough that if you want, they can certainly get to know you really easily. My favorite class is my history class, as we really are able to dissect history by using primary and secondary sources, and we discuss history with our professor. She treats us as equals who have just as much information to give to her, as she does to us. I really enjoy the personal connection, as I have been to my advisor's house for dinner and to get off campus.
The greatest thing about Quinnipiac is the tiny class sizes. Seriously, they are really small. I forget what they said the average class size is here, but all of my classes definitely have less than that. One of my classes only has 9 students in it. I my largest class probably has about 20. When coming here I honestly didn't expect to get much attention from professors, just because I figured that's how college is. Man, was I wrong. Within my first semester I already had my professors stopping me in the hallways just to chat and see how I was doing.
How much people study varies by the major. Everyone in health sciences is pretty much parked in the library 24/7. Some of them are even REQUIRED to take 6 or 7 classes a semester while everyone else on campus is taking 5.
There are a lot of communications students at this school. So pretty much where ever you go you will see a camera crew walking around filming for some assignment.
Classes at this school can be pretty damn hard. While all my friends are taking 4 classes at a time I'm taking 5 or 6 just to be on track to graduate. The QU professors definitely expect a lot from their students. So you're going to have to work your ass off. But it will all be worth it, CT companies love QU grads. You shouldn't have too much trouble getting a job.
Kids here are smart. Seriously, never before in my life had I heard kids who are drunk and high actually having intellectual conversations that make sense. If a kid is smoking weed, he doesn't just smoke weed. He will talk about the biological reasons that it is making him high.
Most of my professors are determined to learn who their students are, make sure that attendance is high, offer help, and even extra credit if the student is really trying. They make themselves available and are rapid in responding to e-mails.
Yes profs no my name. Fav class-anatomy. Least fav-neuroanatomy. Students study every day for these classes and yes, there are intellectual convos outside of class. Students are competitive in the PT program. Most unique-Anatomy Lab at Yale. I do spend time with professors outside of class. Quinnipiac's academic requirements should be more formatted to fit the major, not the 'core' curriculum.
Yes- i like all my PR classes- HATE language- Depends on the students. some study constantly others never- yes- depends on the students- yes- PR writing-PR is an amazing major to take at Quinnipiac. the professors have all been in the PR field for years before teaching- NO.- indifferent- getting a job.