Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Quinnipiac University?


Excellent professors (some bad ones, but every college has those), good curriculum & caring, available advisors


most professors know my name, takes them the semester tho. health science majors study the most i think, and class participation is ok. the students in my major (nursing) are competitive. i see the profs outside of class wen i go to thier office hours to go over tests. i feel like the requirements for my major is too high. it stresses the students out too much


My professors know me by name, they are all fairly helpful and the teachers seem well equipped. there are some class participation classes and some that are not. i believe that Quinnipiac students are intelligent and there are time that outside of the classroom we do have meaningful intelligent conversations. I have never spent time with teachers outside of the school environment, but i often go to office hours and always say hi when i see them around campus. I came to Quinnipiac for the education i would receieve here, therefore i do believe that is it gearing me toward getting the best job i can.


The class size at this school is about 20-25 students per professor. In all of the classes i have taken here, I have felt that I developed a good relationship with my professor. They all knew my name and were very understanding. I feel that this school likes to prepare you for the future. It makes sure the students are well rounded and take several courses outside of their major. As a communications major I am required to minor outside of my school which i feel has broadened my academic learning experience.


I love the class size. all professors know my name and things about me. my favorite class is economics because my teacher is amazing. my least favorite class is spanish because my teacher is boring. students are fairly competitive.


i think most to all of my professors know my name, i am pretty involved during class, least favorite is physics, which i suck at , i like my anatomy classes, they are hard but my fav subject, i also like the psych classes, students study pretty often, class participation isnt very common, but enough that wed dont feel ignored as students or over whelmed, i dont see alot of intellectual convo's outside of class unless your talkin a bout a test or project or apper with someone in your class, the coolest class i have taken is jujitsu for a 1 cred phys ed, i am a health science major and i am in the MAT (master arts of teaching) prog. the health scince dept is very good and very well known, our mat prog is very good too but smaller, more people go to state school for teachin in general, we also have a great law schoola and a big communications dept, qu has pretty fair but some tough academic requirements, for example they just bumped up the gpa to be in honors society i would say most people here range from a 2.7-3.4, education is great but for alot of people its not worth the 40 G a year


Some of my professors know my name, I feel that once I'm taking more classes pertaining to my major of Occupational Therapy that I will be more close with my professors. I don't really feel like students are competitive with each other, but I do know that there is always that push to do better individually. I think that academic requirements are reasonable, and even though I don't really enjoy taking so many histories, I can live with that knowing that when I graduate from this school that I will have not only the reputation of the school to help me out, but a solid education as well.


All my professors know my name. Students seem to study most of the time. I dont spend anytime with professors outside of class. I think that the academic requirements are reasonable and seem easy to reach.


As a Business Marketing major I have had a successful and informative 4 years at QU. All of my classes have bettered me and prepared me to become successful in groups, individually, in leadership positions and most importantly in a professional ethical manner. Professor encourage current event discussions to directly relate material to everyday, and are always available for extra help to help you succeed in their classes.


The classes are great. The education is worth as much as you put into it.