Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


My advice to prospective students and their parents would to be visit the campus numerous times. To engage in the activities and to talk to the faculty as well as students to get a feel of the community. I would go on personal tours and look at the dorms as well as talk to the different educational departments that are at that college. Going on the college's websites will also give a student and their parents a feel for the environment. Being at Shippensburg University, I wish that I had come to visit at different times of the year, because when I decided to come here, I did not realize how cold it was going to get during the winter months, and the cold is something that I do not enjoy.


I would tell future students to go to the school of their choices and not becuase they were forced into a school that wasn't their top choice. Make sure you do alot of research on your school and visit many school to have a broader option to pick from. When you visit many schools, it will give you a better sense of what college is like and what is the best school to fit you.


Most people would probably try to tell future students or parents that the most important factor in determining which school to choose is to choose what ?fits.? How, after a number of hours and possibly a tour of the campus is a 17 or 18 year old and their accompanying parent supposed to get the true ?feel? or understanding of life on or near campus? The answer, simply, is that it is impossible. It is true that the feeling you get while on campus is important, equally if not more so is the ability to see yourself living there. This place is going to be not only a place of study and work but also a home for the next four years of the student?s life. If you dislike your home how are you supposed to get any actual work done? After the school is chosen and you have moved into your tiny dorm room, get your books immediately. Try to get into the routine of going to class, studying, and relaxing only after all your work is done for the day. It?s much easier to get into this routine at the beginning then after you?ve acclimated.


Def. don't be shy when it comes to college. There are lots of friends to make and one you make them they will be life long friends. Try and get involved in sports or activities it will help you make more friends and keep you involved. Most important make the most of if study hard but leave some time for friends.


I would advise parents and students to take their time. Parents, let your children pick what's best for THEM, not what you think is best for them. Students, I recommend looking at every school that you even have the slightest bit of curiousity about. The school I attend now is the one I never thought I'd go to... and I love it. I wouldn't change anything about my experience here.


I would say to take your time. And if your not sure where you want to go try community college to save money.


The process of searching for the right college should begin early in high school. When looking for colleges, keep the options open. One mistake I made in high school was applying to only two schools and not exploring other options other than those I had applied to. Students should visit several campuses and slowly start narrowing down his or her choices. Once options are narrowed down to at least 3 or 4 schools, start applying ahead of time that way it's out of the way and taken care of. Be sure to pick a school where the environment is suiting and most comfortable for the future student. Once admitted, start making friends and meeting new people. Students should participate in campus activities and events to familiarize themselves with the campus. It is very intimidating at first, but once friendships are formed, everyone on campus will fit right in. Advice to the students, stay focused and on top of school work, and keep grades up; don't worry, there will be time for fun! The first few months, students will have time to adjust to their surroundings, but the school environment will eventually feel like a home away from home!


Some students like a small school, where they can closely interact with classmates and faculty. Others may prefer a big university, where every Saturday, they can be found cheering on the sports teams. If you want to find the school that is right for you, you have to look for it. With the variety of magazines, books, and websites with information on colleges and universities around the world, it should not be very difficult to find one that fits your individual needs. Once you have found a few that have piqued you interest, be sure to visit the campus; you never know what you might find. As for making the most of your college experience, get invovled! Even if you decide to attend a small college in a rural community, there is always something to do. Be sure to look at greek organizations, honors societies, clubs, or even an on-campus job. The more you are involved, the better your college experience will be. It not only teaches you how to balance classwork and time for other activities, but how to get the most out of your college carreer. You may even find lifetime friends by getting involved!


The advice I would give to parents about helping their child find the right college and make the most of their child's experience would be to get involved. If your child is interested in a particular college, find out why. Research it. Look up their student to teacher ratio, explain what this means to your son or daughter. Talk to them about how big of a school they would like to go to, what career fields they are most interested in. Some schools only offer certain majors so make sure they are aware of their choices. Visiting their top few choices in person is also crucial because you and your child get to experience that campus and have a better leveling field when the time comes to make a decision. Students, you should try to get your parents involved. College is going to be some of the most crucial years of your life and you want to not only learn from them but enjoy them. Getting involved not only in extracurricular activities but also contributing to your community are experiences that will help build a solid foundation for a great college experience and also a great career.


Finding the right college can be a long, hard process. It is important to remember that every person is different. As a parent, it is important to remember that your student is the one going to school, not you. As a student, make sure to take a look at every college on your list. You might find out that you are a city person, when you thought that you weren?t. Talk to ?real? students; not just the ones that work in the admissions office. Most college students are willing to talk to a prospective student. Once at college, make the most out of it. If possible, live on campus. You?ll meet more people. Professors are another great way to get the college experience. They are knowledgeable in their field, know a lot of information about the college/university, and are helpful with just about any issue. Also, join clubs and activities that you are interested in ? they help you meet people too. Use college to try new experiences. From personal experience, it IS possible to avoid alcohol and still have lots of fun. Overall, college is a time to make new friends, as well as get a degree.