I would tell them to go to school open minded and to avoid any situation that makes them feel uncomfortable. Make sure you pick a college that fits you because if you aren't happy there your grades will show it. Make sure you do what you feel is best for yourself. College is a time to not only better your education, but a time to better yourself. You should not have to change who you are because, unlike high school, there is a variety of people who will accept you for you.
You must visit the college you are applying to. Make sure you speak with different professors and students and even office people. Do not assume the opinion of one student and one professor will be the opinion of the entire campus. Go to a class, eat in the dining hall, not just one, see the dorm rooms in a few different dorm buildings and get as much financial aid information from the financial aid department while you are visiting. Do not assume that what you see and hear on the internet about your school is the absolute truth. Get the truth for yourself.
Let the students choose where they want to go. College is as much about self-expression and exploration as it is about academia.
My advice to students and parents is to search for what makes you happy. For most people it takes time to find what makes you happy and often the process of elimination is necessary. If you are not enjoying the major you choose, or the college you are attending, you should switch. Do not feel like you have to sign a four year contract when you choose your college or major.
Take a variety of classes and become involved on campus, this will help you gain valuable life skills. As a young mother of two children, I will tell them when they grow older; to search for what makes you happy, even if it takes time. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Henry Ford: ?Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.?
I have been on college tours and have visited many different colleges. I honestly believe that you will never know which college is right for you unless you attend the college for at least a semester. When visiting colleges or universities, it is their job to make you feel like you are welcomed or involved, but you will never know unless you are actually a student. Also, if you know what you plan to do in your lifetime, choose the school that best suites your major. As far as, making the most of your college experience, it is your choice. My only suggestion is to make sure that you manage your time and focus on the main reason that you are there. At times, students get so tied up in doing other things that they tend to lose focus on why they are there in the first place. Education is first, everything else follows that!
Get out there and do the research. Visit the schools and actually talk to the students to find out which school is right for them.
Make some great friends and create lots of great memories with them!
do whatever you feel is right, go with your gut instinct, and if it doesnt work out, you can always do something else. the possibilities are endless :)
There are a few important ideas to note when choosing a proper college. The key is the size of the classrooms. I am a student who came from an average sized high school, so the aspect of smaller classrooms, where the teachers and students were familiar with eachother, greatly apealed to me. Another aspect when searching for a college is the location in the town. This is where parents and college applicants should look into activities in the town, and traveling to restaurants and other activities. Parents and applicants should consider if the student has a car, and where they would be interested in hanging out. Being without a car for three years at my university was difficult because even chain restaurants are a drive away. To make the most, you chose the best by the distance from home, size and shape of the campus, and the mere college that pertains to your major the best. Truly, the best advice is that college is what you make of it. With great friends, and a strong drive, everyoine can easily enjoy their college experience.